👋 Hi, I’m @OMARxKHALID, a solution-driven FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPER. I'm adept at contributing to highly collaborative work environments, finding solutions, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
👀 I’m interested in creating consumer-focused websites and web applications that meet the highest standards in design, user experience, best practices, and speed. I have a strong background in HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, REACT.JS, NEXT.JS VUE.JS, PHP, and I've also worked with technologies like Node.JS and Laravel for building robust backend systems and web projects. Additionally, I've applied machine learning techniques to enhance data-driven decision-making.
🌱 I’m currently learning and expanding my skill set to stay up-to-date with the latest web development trends and technologies.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on exciting web projects that require my expertise in full-stack development, backend systems, and machine learning.
📫 You can connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram, or reach me via email at [email protected].