This tool aims to provide a visual representation of the digital landscape at ONS. This consists of the following 3 main pages and one homepage:
Tech Radar:
- Tech Radar is a tool that helps you track the Infrastructure, Languages, Frameworks and Supporting Tools used in ONS repositories and then categorises them into Adopt, Trial, Assess or Hold.
- Use the following keyboard shortcuts to navigate the tech radar:
to move up the list of technologies1
to move down the list of technologies
- This provides a collection of statistics about the language breakdown within the ONSDigital GitHub Organisation.
- Multiple filters such as Archive/Active, date filter and project filteroptions are available.
- Sort options such as Alphabetically, Most/Least Repositories, usage, size.
- Toggle options to display Tech Radar languages only and switch between Average Size and Total Size.
- This displays the project data collected from the Tech Audit Tool.
- Multiple features such as alphabetically, most/least tech and tech radar ring ratio per project are available.
Review Page
- On the deployed version, this page is only available to users from the Cognito user pool.
- Grants a user the ability to move, edit and bring new technology on to the Radar.
- This is the homepage of the tool.
- It provides a brief overview of the tool and its purpose.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install both backend and frontend dependencies:
make install
First, ensure you have Node.js installed. It is recommended to use Node Version Manager (nvm) to manage Node.js versions:
- Install nvm:
curl -o- | bash
- Install Node.js using nvm:
nvm install 18.19.0
- Set the Node.js version to use:
nvm use 18.19.0
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<your_access_key>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<your_secret_key>
Make executable:
chmod +x
To run the project locally (frontend and backend together):
make dev
This runs the frontend and backend locally on ports 3000 and 5001.
To run the frontend only:
make frontend
To run the backend only:
make backend
make docker-build
make docker-up
This should build the project and then start the project locally on port 3000 and 5001.
To stop the project:
make docker-down
Tests are run with PyTest. To run the tests, refer to the in the /testing/
Linting is run with ESLint. To run the linting, run the following commands:
Install the dev dependencies:
make install-dev
Run the linting:
make lint
Run the linting for the frontend:
make lint-frontend
Run the linting for the backend:
make lint-backend
Build the frontend container:
docker build -t <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo>:<version_tag> ./frontend
Push the frontend container to ECR:
docker push <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo>:<version_tag>
Build the backend container:
docker build -t <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo>:<version_tag> ./backend
Push the backend container to ECR:
docker push <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo>:<version_tag>
Login to AWS via CLI:
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Change directory to the authentication folder:
cd terraform/authentication
Set the environment variables. Check the terraform/service/env/dev/example_tfvars.txt file for the correct values.
Run Terraform:
terraform init -backend-config="env/dev/backend-dev" -reconfigure
terraform plan -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
Change directory to the service folder (if in authentication folder):
cd ../service
Set the environment variables. Check the terraform/service/env/dev/example_tfvars.txt
file for the correct values.
Run Terraform:
terraform init -backend-config="env/dev/backend-dev" -reconfigure
terraform plan -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
Change directory to the storage folder (if in service folder):
cd ../storage
Set the environment variables. Check the terraform/storage/env/dev/example_tfvars.txt
file for the correct values.
Run Terraform:
terraform init -backend-config="env/dev/backend-dev" -reconfigure
terraform plan -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file=env/dev/dev.tfvars
To see the available commands, run the following command: