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Super-build and submodules for building OSVR for Android.

This repository should be cloned with --recursive, or you need to run

git submodule update --init --recursive

in the root directory. (You may want to do the latter after updating this repo, as well, to make sure the submodules are all up to date - make sure that any changes you've made in those repos has been committed on a named branch first.)


  • The latest CMake (3.2.2 verified to work 22-May-2015)
  • The latest CrystaX NDK (10.3.2 verified to work 05-May-2017)
    • There is some code to theoretically support the upstream Android NDK, but it does not work at this time and is not recommended unless you want to help hack on the build system. Anyway, the CrystaX NDK appears to provide other benefits besides reducing dependencies (it comes with Boost already compiled), so it will most likely remain the targeted NDK.
  • Python 2.x (often - always? - included in an NDK)
  • Boost installed on your system for your host compiler (not the android compiler) - specifically we need Boost.ProgramOptions.
  • Optional: Ninja build system installed to somewhere on your path (can be used instead of makefiles)

Build Overview

This repository's primary contents, besides the submodules, is a CMake build system using the ExternalProject functionality to control nested configuration and build processes - the so-called "super-build". You should configure it using your standard, native platform build platform (Visual Studio, MinGW, Unix Makefiles, Ninja, whatever suits you). With the correct setting of things like the ANDROID_NDK variable in the super-build's CMake configuration (command line or GUI), the build will automatically set up the cross-compilation toolchain of nested builds as required.

Essentially, the super-build is a sort of meta-project or outer shell around the nested builds, with configuration, build, and install of the nested builds as targets in the super-build.

A bit more details: The OSVR build process requires a host-format (that is, not cross-compiled for Android) tool binary (osvr_json_to_c). On non-cross-compilation builds, it's just built as part of the standard build process then used, but this of course does not work when cross-compiling. This super-project includes a nested build just for that tool and its dependency, which uses whatever CMake generator you use for the super-build which of course assumes that it can build binaries that your machine can run. The Android nested builds automatically have their CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE and related options set appropriately by the super-build, as well as having this native tool substituted in.

Important development note: As with all Git repos with submodules, if you are going to make changes to a submodule's contents, be sure to check out/create a named branch first, as the submodule process checks out a specific commit (a "detached HEAD").

Build/usage instructions

  • Download and unpack the NDK somewhere convenient.
  • Set the ANDROID_NDK environment variable to point to where you unpacked the NDK. On Linux when using the BASH shell, you do this like: export ANDROID_NDK=~/crystax-ndk-1.10.0 (assuming that you put the NDK in your home directory, otherwise adjust the path) and on Windows you do it it under Properties/Advanced system settings/Advanced/Environment Variables/User variables.
  • Clone the repository and submodules.
  • Run CMake/CMake GUI on the top-level directory:
    • setting the build/binary directory to a different directory
    • specifying the required variables:
      • ANDROID_NDK - the location of the NDK (the root of it)
    • optionally specifying these to override defaults:
      • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - Only for single-configuration CMake generators (so, not for Visual Studio or XCode, but yes for makefiles including NMake) - either Release or Debug, default is Release
      • CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH - passed along to nested host builds to help them find dependencies.
      • any of the BUILD_ options: these get passed through to the OSVR-Core cross-build.
    • If using the GUI, "Configure" and "Generate".
  • In the build directory chosen, open the solution/project and build it (the default target), or run make or your other build tool (depending on the CMake generator you chose)
    • Build products are installed into your binary directory, in a subdirectory called install
  • Either:
    • Copy the desired files directly and individually to your Android device, or
    • Run cpack in the binary dir/build the "package" target to get a .tar.gz file containing just the runtime files, copy that to your Android device and unpack it.
  • Optional (but recommended) step: from a shell (ssh, for instance) on the device or over adb, run the command sh in the root directory of the OSVR tree. See below for details. You'll then have a number of executable files (actually symlinks, but that's not important) in the root directory of the OSVR tree on the device for starting bundled apps/tools.

Build scripts


Running some configure script followed by build.cmd results in a complete build of the OSVR-Core and dependencies, with the binary tree in the build directory. For the inner Android builds, Ninja will be used if it is found on your path, otherwise makefiles compatible with the make included in the NDK will be used.

Since these are scripts, your Android NDK needs to be findable somehow: primarily either setting the environment variable %ANDROID_NDK% in the console you use to build or passing -DANDROID_NDK=c:/myndkpath as a command line argument to configure.

All configure scripts set up a Release-mode build unless you specify otherwise. Ninja is the fastest, in this case because it's the only system that will take advantage of parallelism without contortions.

Configure scripts

  • configure-nmake.cmd - Run from a Visual Studio command prompt.
    • Super-build is driven by Microsoft nmake
    • Host binaries are compiled with Visual Studio compilers using nmake
    • Does not require %ANDROID_NDK% to be set in the environment.
  • configure-ninja.cmd - Run from either a Visual Studio command prompt or a command prompt with MinGW(64) compilers accessible, and with ninja in your path.
    • Super-build is driven by ninja.
    • Host binaries are compiled with whatever compilers CMake can find, driven by ninja.
    • Does not require %ANDROID_NDK% to be set in the environment.
  • configure-mingw.cmd - Run from a command prompt with MinGW(64) compilers accessible.
    • Super-build is driven by make found in the NDK.
    • Host binaries are compiled with MinGW, driven by the NDK's make.
    • Requires %ANDROID_NDK% to be set in the environment (so the super-build's make can be found statically).

Post-configure scripts

Once you've run a configure script, you can proceed to run these scripts, as desired, in the same console for safety's sake.

  • build.cmd - Regardless of build system and compilers chosen, runs a full build, which involves building host binaries and installing them to the build/host-install prefix, and building Android binaries and installing them to the build/install prefix.
  • package.cmd - Following a build, packages up just the runtime pieces (suitable to run a server and test clients) of the Android build in a .tar.gz file in build/

Not Windows

"Not Windows" systems are expected to have an NDK, as well as some suitable host compiler and make installed (by default).

  • is a script used by CI compilation of this distribution, and you can use it too.
    • If there is already a build tree in build/, it mostly wipes it out, excluding the super-build configuration and the OpenCV-Android SDK download. (hence "mostly-clean")
    • It then ensures build/ exists and runs cmake to generate/update a build tree there, passing along any command-line arguments you provide.
  • - Uses CMake to invoke whatever build system was generated in build/. Yes, this means it's often just a fancy way to say make.

On-device convenience scripts

The build includes some simple scripts intended for running on the device that are optional but make testing/usage easier. They require Busybox to be installed and in the path. If you can't/don't want to use them, you can just read them to see what they're doing.

  • in the root directory of the tree takes care of setting executable permissions on the binaries and scripts (in case you built on Windows or otherwise couldn't preserve the desired permissions during file creation/transfer), and also creates symlinks in the tree root to bin/ for simple starting of various applications.
  • located under bin is a wrapper/launcher script, designed to be used by creating a symlink in the root of the tree (which does). It uses the name that it's invoked with (that is, the symlink name) to specify which binary to run, after it sets up library paths appropriately and sets the current working directory to be the bin directory.