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Markdown inline options

Shawon edited this page Jan 20, 2025 · 2 revisions

📝 markdown inline preview options

Changes how inline markdown items are shown in preview.

-- [ Markview | Inline ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for inline markdown.
---@class config.markdown_inline
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_references inline.block_references | fun(): inline.block_references
---@field checkboxes inline.checkboxes | fun(): inline.checkboxes
---@field emails inline.emails | fun(): inline.emails
---@field embed_files inline.embed_files | fun(): inline.embed_files
---@field emoji_shorthands inline.emojis | fun(): inline.emojis
---@field entities inline.entities | fun(): inline.entities
---@field escapes inline.escapes | fun(): inline.escapes
---@field footnotes inline.footnotes | fun(): inline.footnotes
---@field highlights inline.highlights | fun(): inline.highlights
---@field hyperlinks inline.hyperlinks | fun(): inline.hyperlinks
---@field images inline.images | fun(): inline.images
---@field inline_codes inline.inline_codes | fun(): inline.inline_codes
---@field internal_links inline.internal_links | fun(): inline.internal_links
---@field uri_autolinks inline.uri_autolinks | fun(): inline.uri_autolinks
M.markdown_inline = {
    enable = true,

    block_references = {},
    checkboxes = {},
    emails = {},
    embed_files = {},
	emoji_shorthands = {},
    entities = {},
    escapes = {},
    footnotes = {},
    highlights = {},
    hyperlinks = {},
    images = {},
    inline_codes = {},
    internal_links = {},
    uri_autolinks = {},

-- [ Markview | Inline • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for inline markdown.
---@class config.markdown_inline_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_references inline.block_references Block reference link configuration.
---@field checkboxes inline.checkboxes Checkbox configuration.
---@field inline_codes inline.inline_codes Inline code/code span configuration.
---@field emails inline.emails Email link configuration.
---@field embed_files inline.embed_files Embed file link configuration.
---@field emoji_shorthands inline.emojis Github styled emoji shorthands.
---@field entities inline.entities HTML entities configuration.
---@field escapes inline.escapes Escaped characters configuration.
---@field footnotes inline.footnotes Footnotes configuration.
---@field highlights inline.highlights Highlighted text configuration.
---@field hyperlinks inline.hyperlinks Hyperlink configuration.
---@field images inline.images Image link configuration.
---@field internal_links inline.internal_links Internal link configuration.
---@field uri_autolinks inline.uri_autolinks URI autolink configuration.


Almost every element in inline markdown have the same customisation options. As such these options are given below.

Generic options for inline markdown
-- [ Markview | Generic inline element ] --------------------------------------------------

--- Generic configuration for inline markdown items.
--- Note: {item} will be different based on the node this is being used by.
---@class config.inline_generic
---@field corner_left? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field corner_left_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field corner_right? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field corner_right_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field icon? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field icon_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field padding_left? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field padding_left_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field padding_right? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field padding_right_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field file_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
---@field block_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: table): string?
M.inline_generic = {
    corner_left = "<",
    padding_left = " ",
    icon = "π ",
    padding_right = " ",
    corner_right = ">",

    hl = "MarkviewCode"

-- [ Markview | Generic inline element • Static ] -----------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for inline elements.
---@class config.inline_generic_static
---@field corner_left? string Left corner.
---@field corner_left_hl? string Highlight group for left corner.
---@field corner_right? string Right corner.
---@field corner_right_hl? string Highlight group for right corner.
---@field hl? string Base Highlight group.
---@field icon? string Icon.
---@field icon_hl? string Highlight group for icon.
---@field padding_left? string Left padding.
---@field padding_left_hl? string Highlight group for left padding.
---@field padding_right? string Right padding.
---@field padding_right_hl? string Highlight group for right padding.
---@field file_hl? string Highlight group for block reference file name.
---@field block_hl? string Highlight group for block reference block ID.


  • Type: inline.block_references
  • Dynamic: false

Configuration for block reference links(from Obsidian).

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Block references ] ----------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for block reference links.
---@class inline.block_references
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.block_references): config.inline_generic
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.block_references): config.inline_generic
block_references = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "󰿨 ",

        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg",
        file_hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg",

-- [ Inline | Block references • Static ] -------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for block reference links.
---@class inline.block_references
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for block reference links.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for block references whose label matches with the key's pattern.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Block references > Parameters ] ---------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.block_references
---@field class "inline_link_block_ref"
---@field file? string File name.
---@field block string Block ID.
---@field label string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_block_references = {
    class = "inline_link_block_ref",

    file = "",
    block = "Block",
    label = "^Block",

    text = { "![[^Block]]" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 25,

        label = { 0, 3, 0, 23 },
        file = { 0, 3, 0, 12 },
        block = { 0, 14, 0, 23 }


  • Type: inlines.checkboxes
  • Dynamic: false

Configuration for checkboxes.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Checkboxes ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for checkboxes.
---@class inline.checkboxes
---@field enable boolean
---@field checked checkboxes.opts Configuration for [x] & [X].
---@field unchecked checkboxes.opts Configuration for [ ].
---@field [string] checkboxes.opts
checkboxes = {
    enable = true,

    checked = { text = "󰗠", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked", scope_hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked" },
    unchecked = { text = "󰄰", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked", scope_hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked" },

    ["/"] = { text = "󱎖", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending" },
    [">"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxCancelled" },
    ["<"] = { text = "󰃖", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxCancelled" },
    ["-"] = { text = "󰍶", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxCancelled", scope_hl = "MarkviewCheckboxStriked" },

    ["?"] = { text = "󰋗", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending" },
    ["!"] = { text = "󰀦", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked" },
    ["*"] = { text = "󰓎", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending" },
    ['"'] = { text = "󰸥", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxCancelled" },
    ["l"] = { text = "󰆋", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxProgress" },
    ["b"] = { text = "󰃀", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxProgress" },
    ["i"] = { text = "󰰄", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked" },
    ["S"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked" },
    ["I"] = { text = "󰛨", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending" },
    ["p"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked" },
    ["c"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked" },
    ["f"] = { text = "󱠇", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked" },
    ["k"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxPending" },
    ["w"] = { text = "", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxProgress" },
    ["u"] = { text = "󰔵", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked" },
    ["d"] = { text = "󰔳", hl = "MarkviewCheckboxUnchecked" },
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Checkboxes > Type definitions ] ---------------------------------------------

---@class checkboxes.opts
---@field text string
---@field hl? string
---@field scope_hl? string Highlight group for the list item.
M.checkboxes_opts = {
    text = "",
    hl = "MarkviewCheckboxChecked"

-- [ HTML | Checkboxes > Parameters ] -----------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.checkboxes
---@field class "inline_checkbox"
---@field state string Checkbox state(text inside `[]`).
---@field text string[]
---@field range? node.range Range of the checkbox. `nil` when rendering list items.
M.__inline_checkboxes = {
    class = "inline_checkbox",
    state = "-",

    text = { "[-]" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 2,
        col_end = 5


  • Type: inline.emails
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for block reference links.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Emails ] --------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for emails.
---@class inline.emails
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.emails): config.inline_generic
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.emails): config.inline_generic
emails = {

    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewEmail"

    ---+${lua, Commonly used email service providers}

    ["$"] = {
        --- [email protected]

        icon = "󰊫 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    ["$"] = {
        --- [email protected]

        icon = "󰴢 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette5Fg"

    ["$"] = {
        --- [email protected]

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg"

    ["$"] = {
        --- [email protected]

        icon = "󰀸 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg"



-- [ Inline | Emails • Static ] -----------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for emails.
---@class inline.emails
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for emails
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for emails whose label(address) matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Emails > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.emails
---@field class "inline_link_email"
---@field label string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_link_emails = {
    class = "inline_link_email",
    label = "[email protected]",

    text = { "<[email protected]>" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 17,

        label = { 0, 1, 0, 16 }


  • Type: inline.embed_files
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for embed file links(from Obsidian).

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Embed files ] ---------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for obsidian's embed files.
---@class inline.embed_files
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.embed_files): inline.embed_files
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.embed_files): inline.embed_files
embed_files = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "󰠮 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette7Fg"

-- [ Inline | Embed files • Static ] ------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for obsidian's embed files.
---@class inline.embed_files
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for embed file links.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for embed file links whose label matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Embed files > Parameters ] --------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.embed_files
---@field class "inline_link_embed_file"
---@field label string Text inside `[[...]]`.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_link_embed_files = {
    class = "inline_link_embed_file",
    label = "v25",

    text = { "![[v25]]" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 8


  • Type: inline.emoji_shorthands
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for emoji shorthands.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Emojis ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for emoji shorthands.
---@class inline.emojis
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.entities): inline.emojis
M.inline_emojis = {
	enable = true

-- [ Inline | Emojis • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for emoji shorthands.
---@class inline.emojis_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string Highlight group for the emoji.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Emojis > Parameters ] --------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.emojis
---@field class "inline_emoji"
---@field name string Emoji name(without `:`).
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_emojis = {
	class = "inline_emoji",
	name = "label",
	text = { ":label:" },
	range = {
		row_start = 0,
		row_end = 0,

		col_start = 0,
		col_end = 7


  • Type: inline.entities
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for entity references.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Entities ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for HTML entities.
---@class inline.entities
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.entities): inline.entities
entities = {
    enable = true,
    hl = "Special"

-- [ Inline | Entities • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for HTML entities.
---@class inline.entities_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string Highlight group for the symbol
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Entities > Parameters ] ------------------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.entities
---@field class "inline_entity"
---@field name string Entity name(text after "\")
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_entities = {
    class = "inline_entity",
    name = "Int",
    text = { "&Int;" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 5


  • Type: inline.escapes
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for escaped characters.

Expand to see default configuration
--- Configuration for escaped characters.
---@class inline.escapes 
---@field enable boolean
escapes = {
    enable = true
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Escapes > Parameters ] ------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.escaped
---@field class "inline_escaped"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_escaped = {
    class = "inline_escaped",

    text = { "\\'" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 2


  • Type: inline.footnotes
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for footnotes.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Footnotes ] -----------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for footnotes.
---@class inline.footnotes
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.footnotes): inline.footnotes
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.footnotes): inline.footnotes
footnotes = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "󰯓 ",
        hl = "MarkviewHyperlink"
    ["^%d+$"] = {
        icon = "󰯓 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette4Fg"

-- [ Inline | Footnotes • Static ] --------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for footnotes.
---@class inline.footnotes_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for footnotes.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for footnotes whose label matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Footnotes > Parameters ] ----------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.footnotes
---@field class "inline_footnotes"
---@field label string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_footnotes = {
    class = "inline_footnotes",
    label = "1",

    text = { "[^1]" },
    range = {
        label = { 0, 2, 0, 3 },

        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 4


  • Type: inline.highlights
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for PKM-like highlights(==highlights==).

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Highlights ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for highlighted texts.
---@class inline.highlights
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.highlights): inline.highlights
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.highlights): inline.highlights
highlights = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        padding_left = " ",
        padding_right = " ",

        hl = "MarkviewPalette3"

-- [ Inline | Highlights • Static ] -------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for highlighted texts.
---@class inline.highlights
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for highlighted text.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for highlighted text that matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Highlights > Parameters ] ---------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.highlights
---@field class "inline_highlight"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_highlights = {
    class = "inline_highlight",

    text = { "==Highlight==" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 13


  • Type: inline.hyperlinks
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for hyperlinks.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Hyperlinks ] ----------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for hyperlinks.
---@class inline.hyperlinks
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.hyperlinks): inline.hyperlinks
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.hyperlinks): inline.hyperlinks
hyperlinks = {

    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "󰌷 ",
        hl = "MarkviewHyperlink",

    ---+${lua, Github sites}

    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {

        icon = "󰳐 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/tree/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/commits/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/releases$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/tags$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/issues$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"
    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/pulls$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/wiki$"] = {

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    ---+${lua, Commonly used sites by programmers}

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "󰖟 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette5Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette4Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "󰓌 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette2Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette2Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette2Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "󱁴 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette2Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette5Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "󰆦 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette0Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette1Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette6Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "󰌻 ",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette5Fg"

    [""] = {
        priority = 9999,

        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette2Fg"



-- [ Inline | Hyperlinks • Static ] -------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for hyperlinks.
---@class inline.hyperlinks_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for hyperlinks.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for links whose description matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Hyperlinks > Parameters ] ----------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.hyperlinks
---@field class "inline_link_hyperlink"
---@field label? string
---@field description? string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_images = {
    class = "inline_link_hyperlink",

    label = "link",
    description = "test.svg",

    text = { "[link](" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 18,

        label = { 0, 1, 0, 5 },
        description = { 0, 7, 0, 16 }


  • Type: inline.images
  • Dynamic: true

Configuration for image links.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Images ] --------------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for image links.
---@class inline.images
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(vuffer: integer, item: __inline.images): inline.images
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(vuffer: integer, item: __inline.images): inline.images
images = {

    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "󰥶 ",
        hl = "MarkviewImage",

    ["%.svg$"] = { icon = "󰜡 " },
    ["%.png$"] = { icon = "󰸭 " },
    ["%.jpg$"] = { icon = "󰈥 " },
    ["%.gif$"] = { icon = "󰵸 " },
    ["%.pdf$"] = { icon = "" }


-- [ Inline | Images • Static ] -----------------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for image links.
---@class inline.images_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for image links
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration image links whose description matches `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Images > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.images
---@field class "inline_link_image"
---@field label? string
---@field description? string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_images = {
    class = "inline_link_image",
    label = "image",
    description = "test.svg",

    text = { "![image](test.svg)" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 18,

        label = { 0, 2, 0, 7 },
        description = { 0, 9, 0, 17 }


  • Type: inline.inline_codes
  • Dynamic: true.

Configuration for inline codes.

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Inline codes ] --------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for inline codes.
---@alias inline.inline_codes config.inline_generic
inline_codes = {
    enable = true,
    hl = "MarkviewInlineCode",

    padding_left = " ",
    padding_right = " "

-- [ Inline | Inline codes • Static ] -----------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for inline codes.
---@alias inline.inline_codes_static config.inline_generic_static
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Inline codes > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.inline_codes
---@field class "inline_code_span"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__inline_inline_codes = {
    class = "inline_code_span",
    text = { "`inline code`" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 13


  • Type: inline.internal_links
  • Dynamic: true.

Configuration for internal links(from Obsidian).

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | Internal links ] ------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for obsidian's internal links.
---@class inline.internal_links
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.internal_links): config.inline_generic
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.internal_links): config.inline_generic
internal_links = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewPalette7Fg",

-- [ Inline | Internal links • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for obsidian's internal links.
---@class inline.internal_links_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for internal links.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for internal links whose label match `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | Internal links > Parameters ] ------------------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.internal_links
---@field class "inline_link_internal"
---@field alias? string
---@field label string Text inside `[[...]]`.
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_internal_links = {
    class = "inline_link_internal",

    alias = "Alias",
    label = "v25|Alias",

    text = { "[[v25|alias]]" },
    range = {
        alias = { 0, 6, 0, 11 },
        label = { 0, 2, 0, 11 },

        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 13


  • Type: inline.uri_autolinks
  • Dynamic: true.

Configuration for URI autolinks(<>).

Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Inline | URI autolinks ] ------------------------------------------------------------

--- Configuration for uri autolinks.
---@class inline.uri_autolinks
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.uri_autolinks): config.inline_generic
---@field [string] config.inline_generic | fun(buffer: integer, item: __inline.uri_autolinks): config.inline_generic
uri_autolinks = {
    enable = true,

    default = {
        icon = "",
        hl = "MarkviewEmail"

-- [ Inline | URI autolinks • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------

--- Static configuration for uri autolinks.
---@class inline.uri_autolinks_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic_static Default configuration for URI autolinks.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic_static Configuration for URI autolinks whose label match `string`.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Inline | URI autolinks > Parameters ] ------------------------------------------------

---@class __inline.uri_autolinks
---@field class "inline_link_uri_autolinks"
---@field label string
---@field text string[]
---@field range inline_link.range
M.__inline_uri_autolinks = {
    class = "inline_link_uri_autolinks",
    label = "",

    text = { "<>" },
    range = {
        row_start = 0,
        row_end = 0,

        col_start = 0,
        col_end = 21,

        label = { 0, 1, 0, 20 }

Also available in vimdoc, :h markview.nvim-inline.