Parcels v3.1.0: a Lagrangian Ocean Analysis tool for the petascale age
Parcels v3.1.0 implements support for CROCO sigma grids, adds reprs for key parcels classes (allowing you to easily introspect fieldsets etc), and makes changes to the API (complete with user warnings) to clearly distinguish what the user is expected to use.
What's Changed
- Add Parcels versioning/deprecation policies and maintainer docs by @VeckoTheGecko in #1696
- Support for CROCO 3D velocities by @erikvansebille in #1641
- API changes:
by @VeckoTheGecko in #1709 - API changes:
and other touchups by @VeckoTheGecko in #1727 - API changes:
by @VeckoTheGecko in #1713 - New and updated reprs for Variable, ParticleFile, Field, VectorField, and ParticleSet by @VeckoTheGecko in #1743
- Patch pypi release python version by @VeckoTheGecko in #1692
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #1654
- Enable pyupgrade, add Grid repr, and other changes by @VeckoTheGecko in #1680
- Update the Analytical Advection tutorial by @michaeldenes in #1703
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #1707
- Test suite tooling by @VeckoTheGecko in #1704
- Adding explicit explanation how to add tracers in FieldSet.from_nemo() by @erikvansebille in #1702
- Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.10.0 to 1.10.2 by @dependabot in #1718
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #1714
- Fixing bug in backward-in-time-writing by @erikvansebille in #1723
- DOC: Separate out linkcheck by @VeckoTheGecko in #1725
- Update Git archive config by @VeckoTheGecko in #1717
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #1726
- FieldSet.from_croco vertical velocities warning by @erikvansebille in #1732
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #1735
- Fixing loaded_time_indices to support more advanced compute() functions by @erikvansebille in #1733
- Documenting use of interp_method freeslip for B-grids by @erikvansebille in #1740
- Adding warning particlestartime outputdt multiple by @erikvansebille in #1739
- Refactors and bugfixes by @VeckoTheGecko in #1736
- Bugfix warn_outputdt_release_desync for NaN release times by @erikvansebille in #1744
Full Changelog: v3.0.5...v3.1.0