Dockerized images of icecream distributed compiler with their docker-compose files
Daemon (xenhat/icecream)
The daemon images is based on Clearlinux so as to enjoy performance out of the optimized distribution
docker run --net=host -p ::10245 -p ::8766 -p ::8765 xenhat/icecream
Scheduler (xenhat/icecream-scheduler)
There are 2 flavors of this image, in Clearlinux and in Alpine, the former favors performance and the latter size.
docker run --net=host -p ::8765 xenhat/icecream-scheduler:latest
docker run --net=host -p ::8765 xenhat/icecream-scheduler:alpine
Make sure you have the native daemon running on the machine you're starting the compilation with. It will then connect to the other containers.
This is a known limitation of Docker on Windows, but this can be workedaround by manually setting the IP Address of the scheduler via environment variables, for example:
Note: Replace with your scheduler's IP address.
docker run --net=host -p ::10245 -p ::8766 -p ::8765 -e USE_SCHEDULER= xenhat/icecream
or by appending environment variable to docker-compose.yml:
- USE_SCHEDULER= # Replace with the scheduler's IP address
I've done the prior workaround but I am still getting failed to accept an incoming connection on [MY IP]:10245
Yeah well, the prior workaround was half of the solution, it is rather better to create a VPN between the scheduler and the daemon then bridge it to the same docker network.
You can check the docker-compose.ovpn.yml examples for both the scheduler and daemon.
Credits: Based on