I am an ambitious software developer filled with excitement, dedication and passion for the craft. I take pride in writing structured code that can be easily maintained. I am a recent graduate of a coding bootcamp where I have learned and experienced building full-stack web applications following agile methodologies.
- 📚 I'm trying to learn and grow more as a developer each day.
- 🧪 I love experimenting with new technologies.
- 💻 There is no greater satisfaction than creating or contributing to a good software!
- 🤝 I enjoy pair programming.
- 🔥 Passionate about providing quality a solution.
JavaScript | React | React Native
Ruby | Ruby on Rails | NodeJS
HTML5 | CSS3 | Postgresql | Mongodb
Cypress | Jest with Enzyme | RSpec
Test Coverage Metrics(COVERALLS)
CI(SEMAPHORE) | CD(Netlify & Heroku ...)