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ZZZ ‐ [Archived] ‐ Build an AI Agent in Teams

Junjie Li edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 1 revision


Content in this document has been moved to Teams platform documentation. Please do not refer to or update this document.

An AI agent in Microsoft Teams is a conversational chatbot that can reason with large language models to interact with users to understand the intention and choose a sequence of actions to take so the chatbot can complete common tasks. Example tasks include querying and summarizing information (e.g., "Do you have any flights to DC tomorrow?"), authoring content based on user intent (e.g., "Rephrase this sentence to be more professional"), or acting on the user’s behalf (e.g., "Please cancel my order"). To build an AI agent that works in Microsoft Teams, you will need:

  • Teams AI Library is the SDK designed specifically for this use case. It's predictive engine that can map intents to actions by leveraging provided prompts and topic filters. You can even chain multiple actions together to make building complex workflows easy.

  • Microsoft Teams Toolkit enables you to get started with building AI agents fast through a set of ready-to-use application templates, development lifecycle automations in Visual Studio Code.

  • (Optional) Assistants API from OpenAI. You can also optionally use the Assistants API from OpenAI to simplify the development effort of creating an AI agent. OpenAI as a platform, offers pre-built tools such as Code Interpreter, Knowledge Retrieval and Function Calling that drastically simplifies the code you need to write for common scenarios.


In this tutorial, you will learn:

Get started with Teams Toolkit, Teams AI Library and Assistants API:

Customize the app template:

Build New:

Build with Assistants API:

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Building an AI agent is an advanced scenario, it requires basic understanding of how AI orchestration works, advanced concepts like Planner and Actions that can leverage LLM to generate a plan on how to accomplish a user ask and mix and match atomic functions registered in AI system so that it can recombine them into a series of steps that complete the goal.


If you are not familiar with those concepts, please start with Build a Basic AI Chatbot in Teams.

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How to choose between Build New and Build with Assistants API

Comparison Build New Build with Assistants API
Cost Only costs for LLM services Costs for LLM services and use tools in Assistants API may incur additional costs
Dev Effort Medium Relatively Small
LLM Services Azure OpenAI or OpenAI OpenAI Only
Example Implementations in Template This app template is capable of chatting with users and helping users manage tasks. This app templates uses Code Interpreter tool to solve math problems and also Function Calling tool to get city weather.
Limitations N/A Currently, the Knowledge Retrieval tool is not supported by Teams AI library.

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How to create a new AI Agent

In Visual Studio Code

  1. From Teams Toolkit side bar click Create a New App or select Teams: Create a New App from the command palette. image

  2. Select Custom Copilot. image

  3. Select AI Agent. image

  4. Select a way to start building the agent image

  5. Select a Programming Language image


If you have selected Build with Assistants API in previous, you may only continue with OpenAI as Azure OpenAI service has not provided support for Assistants API yet.

  1. Select a service to access LLMs image

  2. Based on your service selection, you can optionally enter the credentials to access OpenAI or Azure OpenAI. Hit enter to skip. image

  3. Select a folder where to create you project. The default one is ${HOME}/TeamsApps/. image

  4. Enter an application name and then press enter. image


Make sure you have entered the credentials to access Azure OpenAI or OpenAI service. If you have skipped entering those in the project creation dialog, follow the README file in the project to specify them.

After you successfully created the project, you can quickly start local debugging via F5 in Visual Studio Code. Select Debug in Test Tool (Preview) debug option to test the application in Teams App Test Tool. Now you can start chatting with your AI agent.

Build New: ai agent new

Build with Assistants API: ai agent with assistants api

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How to understand the AI Agent project

Teams Toolkit generates a standard project that has built-in features to demonstrate how a basic AI chatbot works as well as some configuration files that help automate the development experience.

Below are common files used for both options to build an AI Agent:

Folder Contents
.vscode VSCode files for debugging
appPackage Templates for the Teams application manifest
env Environment files
infra Templates for provisioning Azure resources
src The source code for the application

The following are another set of project specific files Teams Toolkit generate. You can visit a complete guide on Github to understand how Teams Toolkit works.

File Contents
teamsapp.yml This is the main Teams Toolkit project file. The project file defines two primary things: Properties and configuration Stage definitions.
teamsapp.local.yml This overrides teamsapp.yml with actions that enable local execution and debugging.
teamsapp.testtool.yml This overrides teamsapp.yml with actions that enable local execution and debugging in Teams App Test Tool.

When starting the two options (Build New vs Build with Assistants API), the differences are mostly in the src folders where we demonstrate an example implementation and allow developers to customize.

Build New

File Contents
src/index.js Sets up the bot app server.
src/adapter.js Sets up the bot adapter.
src/config.js Defines the environment variables.
src/prompts/planner/skprompt.txt Defines the prompt.
src/prompts/planner/config.json Configures the prompt.
src/prompts/planner/actions.json Defines the actions.
src/app/app.js Handles business logics for the AI Assistant Bot.
src/app/messages.js Defines the message activity handlers.
src/app/actions.js Defines the AI actions.

Build with Assistants API

File Contents
src/index.js Sets up the bot app server.
src/adapter.js Sets up the bot adapter.
src/config.js Defines the environment variables.
src/creator.js One-time tool to create OpenAI Assistant.
src/app/app.js Handles business logics for the AI Assistant Bot.
src/app/messages.js Defines the message activity handlers.
src/app/actions.js Defines the AI actions.

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How Teams AI Library is used to create an AI Agent

Build New

Teams AI Library provides a comprehensive flow that facilitates you to build your own AI agent. These are the most important concepts you need to know:

  • Actions: An action is an atomic function that is registered to the AI System. It is a fundamental building block of a plan.
  • Planner: The planner receives the user's ask and returns a plan on how to accomplish the request. The user's ask is in the form of a prompt or prompt template. It does this by using AI to mix and match atomic functions (called actions) registered to the AI system so that it can recombine them into a series of steps that complete a goal.
  • Action PlannerThe Action Planner is a powerful planner that uses an LLM to generate plans. It can trigger parameterized actions and send text-based responses to the user.


The planner receives the user's ask and returns a plan on how to accomplish the request. The user's ask is in the form of a prompt or prompt template. This is a powerful concept because it allows you to create actions that can be used in ways that you as a developer may not have thought of.

For instance, If you have a task with Summarize & SendEmail actions, the planner could combine them to create workflows like "Rewrite the following report into a short paragraph and email it to [email protected]" without you explicitly having to write code for those scenarios.


A plan is the entity that is generated by the planner. It is a JSON object of the following shape:

  "type": "plan",
  "commands": [
      "type": "DO",
      "action": "<name>",
      "parameters": {
        "<name>": "<value>"
      "type": "SAY",
      "response": "<response>"

A plan consists of two types of commands and their entities:

  • SAY: Sends a message to the user.
    • response: The string message to send.
  • DO: AI system will execute a specific action, passing in the generated parameters.
    • action: A lambda function registered to the AI system
    • parameters: A dictionary passed to the action.

The JSON object string is returned by the LLM and deserialized into an object.

This plan is executed in sequential order. So first the list will be created and then an item will be added to it. Finally, the response message will be sent to the user.


An action is an atomic function that is registered to the AI System. It is a fundamental building block of a plan. Actions are used to perform tasks such as creating a list, adding items to a list, or sending a message to the user. Actions are executed in the order they are defined in the plan.

Here's an example of what an action creating a new list would look like in code. Call this action createList: List Bot sample"createList", async (context: TurnContext, state: ApplicationTurnState, parameters: ListAndItems) => {
  // Ex. create a list with name "Grocery Shopping".
  ensureListExists(state, parameters.list);

  // Continues exectuion of next command in the plan.
  await, state, "addItems", parameters);
  return `list created and items added. think about your next action`;

To 'chain' actions together programmatically, the doAction method is used to call the next action. This is a common pattern in the AI System.


Note that ___DO___ and ___SAY___, despite being called commands, are actually specialized actions. This means that a plan is really a sequence of actions.

Action Planner

The Action Planner is a powerful planner that uses an LLM to generate plans. It can trigger parameterized actions and send text-based responses to the user.

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Build with Assistants API

Assistants API from OpenAI to simplify the development effort of creating an AI agent. OpenAI as a platform, offers pre-built tools such as Code Interpreter, Knowledge Retrieval and Function Calling that drastically simplifies the code you need to write for common scenarios.

Check out the video for a comprehensive walkthrough with Assistants API:


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Customize the application template

Customize prompt augmentation

The SDK provides a functionality to augment the prompt. With augmentation:

  • The actions defined in src/prompts/planner/actions.json will be inserted into the prompt to let LLM know the available functions.
  • An internal piece of prompt text will be inserted into the prompt to instruct LLM to determine which functions to call based on the available functions. This prompt text orders LLM to generate the response in a structured json format.
  • The SDK will validate the LLM response and let LLM correct or refine the response if the response is in wrong format.

In src/prompts/planner/config.json, configure augmentation.augmentation_type. The options are:

  • sequence: suitable for tasks that require multiple steps or complex logic.
  • monologue: suitable for tasks that require natural language understanding and generation, and more flexibility and creativity.

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Add functions (Build New)

  • In src/prompts/planner/actions.json, define your actions schema.
            "name": "myFunction",
            "description": "The function description",
            "parameters": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "parameter1": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "The parameter1 description"
                "required": ["parameter1"]
  • In src/app/actions.ts, define the action handlers.
    // Define your own function
    export async function myFunction(context: TurnContext, state: TurnState, parameters): Promise<string> {
      // Implement your function logic
      // Return the result
      return "...";
  • In src/app/app.ts, register the actions."myFunction", myFunction);

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Customize assistant creation

The file src/creator.ts creates a new OpenAI Assistant. You can customize the assistant creation by updating the parameters including instruction, model, tools and functions.

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Add functions (with Assistants API)

When the assistant returns a function that need to be called along with its arguments, the SDK maps the function to the corresponding action that is registered in advance, then calls the action handler and submits the results to the assistant. You can add your functions by registering the actions into the app.

  • In src/app/actions.ts, define the action handlers.
    // Define your own function
    export async function myFunction(context: TurnContext, state: TurnState, parameters): Promise<string> {
      // Implement your function logic
      // Return the result
      return "...";
  • In src/app/app.ts, register the actions."myFunction", myFunction);

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