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OVH Self-Hosting Infrastructure

A streamlined infrastructure-as-code project for deploying self-hosting environments on OVH cloud using Terraform and Ansible.


This project provides a solid foundation for self-hosting applications on OVH's cloud platform. It automatically provisions a virtual machine and sets up Nginx Proxy Manager to easily manage HTTP redirections, SSL certificates, and proxying for your web applications.

Key Features:

  • Infrastructure as code with Terraform
  • Configuration management with Ansible
  • Automatic VM provisioning on OVH Cloud
  • SSH key management and secure access setup
  • Nginx Proxy Manager pre-installed for web traffic management
  • Docker and Docker Compose for containerized deployments



1. OVH API Credentials

First, you need to create OVH API credentials:

  1. Go to*&POST=/*&PUT=/*&DELETE=/*
  2. Set appropriate rights (at minimum read/write for public cloud)
  3. Save the generated credentials

2. Setup Variables

Copy the template variables file and adjust it to your needs:

cp variable.template.tfvars variable.tfvars

Edit variable.tfvars with your specific information:

# OVH API credentials
ovh_keys = {
  endpoint = "ovh-eu"
  application_key = "your_application_key"
  application_secret = "your_application_secret"
  consumer_key = "your_consumer_key"

# Your OVH Public Cloud project ID
service_public_cloud = "your_public_cloud_project_id"

# OVH OAuth token
ovh_token_oauth = "your_ovh_token"

# Docker Hub credentials (for pulling images)
docker_login = {
  username = "your_docker_username"
  password = "your_docker_password"

# VM configuration
virtual_machine = {
  name = "your_vm_name"
  region = "GRA11"  # Change to your preferred region
  billing_period = "hourly"
  flavor_id = "your_vm_flavor_id"  # See module comments for how to retrieve this
  image_id = "your_vm_image_id"    # See module comments for how to retrieve this
  network_public = true
  ssh_key = "your_ssh_key_name"
  ssh_key_public = "your_public_ssh_key_string"
  user_data = "ssh.bash"  # Do not change unless you know what you're doing


For flavor_id and image_id, check the comments in terraform/module/ovh_vm/ for instructions on how to retrieve these IDs from the OVH API.


1. Initialize Terraform

terraform init

2. Apply the Configuration

terraform apply -var-file=variable.tfvars

The deployment process:

  1. Creates a VM on OVH cloud
  2. Configures SSH access
  3. Uses Ansible to install Docker and Nginx Proxy Manager
  4. Sets up Docker Compose for application deployment


Accessing Nginx Proxy Manager

After deployment, Nginx Proxy Manager will be available at:

  • Admin panel: http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:81
  • Default credentials:
    • Username: demonslayer
    • Password: password

Important: Change the default credentials immediately after first login!

Project Structure

├── ansible/                # Ansible configuration
│   ├── docker.yml          # Docker installation tasks
│   └── main.yml            # Main Ansible playbook
├── app/                    # Application configuration
│   └── docker-compose.yml  # Docker Compose for deployed apps
├── terraform/
│   └── module/
│       └── ovh_vm/         # OVH VM Terraform module
├──                 # Main Terraform configuration
├──             # Variable definitions
├── variable.template.tfvars # Template for variables
└── ssh.bash               # SSH configuration script

Potential Improvements

  • Object Storage (S3) integration
  • Database management
  • Automated backups
  • Multi-VM setup for high availability
  • CI/CD pipeline integration
  • Enhanced security configurations
  • Monitoring and logging solutions


If you encounter SSH connection issues:

  • Verify your SSH key is correctly configured in the variables file
  • Check that port 22 is accessible (OVH firewall settings)
  • Ensure the VM initialization is complete (can take a few minutes)

For OVH API issues:

  • Verify API credentials have sufficient permissions
  • Ensure your OVH account has Public Cloud enabled


This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.