A streamlined infrastructure-as-code project for deploying self-hosting environments on OVH cloud using Terraform and Ansible.
This project provides a solid foundation for self-hosting applications on OVH's cloud platform. It automatically provisions a virtual machine and sets up Nginx Proxy Manager to easily manage HTTP redirections, SSL certificates, and proxying for your web applications.
Key Features:
- Infrastructure as code with Terraform
- Configuration management with Ansible
- Automatic VM provisioning on OVH Cloud
- SSH key management and secure access setup
- Nginx Proxy Manager pre-installed for web traffic management
- Docker and Docker Compose for containerized deployments
- Terraform (v1.0.0+)
- Ansible (v2.9.0+)
- OVH Account with Public Cloud access
- OVH API credentials (see configuration section)
First, you need to create OVH API credentials:
- Go to https://www.ovh.com/auth/api/createToken?GET=/*&POST=/*&PUT=/*&DELETE=/*
- Set appropriate rights (at minimum read/write for public cloud)
- Save the generated credentials
Copy the template variables file and adjust it to your needs:
cp variable.template.tfvars variable.tfvars
Edit variable.tfvars
with your specific information:
# OVH API credentials
ovh_keys = {
endpoint = "ovh-eu"
application_key = "your_application_key"
application_secret = "your_application_secret"
consumer_key = "your_consumer_key"
# Your OVH Public Cloud project ID
service_public_cloud = "your_public_cloud_project_id"
# OVH OAuth token
ovh_token_oauth = "your_ovh_token"
# Docker Hub credentials (for pulling images)
docker_login = {
username = "your_docker_username"
password = "your_docker_password"
# VM configuration
virtual_machine = {
name = "your_vm_name"
region = "GRA11" # Change to your preferred region
billing_period = "hourly"
flavor_id = "your_vm_flavor_id" # See module comments for how to retrieve this
image_id = "your_vm_image_id" # See module comments for how to retrieve this
network_public = true
ssh_key = "your_ssh_key_name"
ssh_key_public = "your_public_ssh_key_string"
user_data = "ssh.bash" # Do not change unless you know what you're doing
For flavor_id
and image_id
, check the comments in terraform/module/ovh_vm/variables.tf
for instructions on how to retrieve these IDs from the OVH API.
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file=variable.tfvars
The deployment process:
- Creates a VM on OVH cloud
- Configures SSH access
- Uses Ansible to install Docker and Nginx Proxy Manager
- Sets up Docker Compose for application deployment
After deployment, Nginx Proxy Manager will be available at:
- Admin panel: http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:81
- Default credentials:
- Username: demonslayer
- Password: password
Important: Change the default credentials immediately after first login!
├── ansible/ # Ansible configuration
│ ├── docker.yml # Docker installation tasks
│ └── main.yml # Main Ansible playbook
├── app/ # Application configuration
│ └── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose for deployed apps
├── terraform/
│ └── module/
│ └── ovh_vm/ # OVH VM Terraform module
├── main.tf # Main Terraform configuration
├── variable.tf # Variable definitions
├── variable.template.tfvars # Template for variables
└── ssh.bash # SSH configuration script
- Object Storage (S3) integration
- Database management
- Automated backups
- Multi-VM setup for high availability
- CI/CD pipeline integration
- Enhanced security configurations
- Monitoring and logging solutions
If you encounter SSH connection issues:
- Verify your SSH key is correctly configured in the variables file
- Check that port 22 is accessible (OVH firewall settings)
- Ensure the VM initialization is complete (can take a few minutes)
For OVH API issues:
- Verify API credentials have sufficient permissions
- Ensure your OVH account has Public Cloud enabled
This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.