ft_dwm is my custom build of dwm.
To use ft_dwm, you need to install the following dependenices:
sudo yay -S ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd alacritty
To install ft_dwm, clone this repository and run make
git clone https://github.com/OliverRozario/ft_dwm
cd ft_dwm
sudo make clean install
Then, create dwm.desktop in /usr/share/xsessions/ and copy the following content:
Comment=Log in using the dwm
Here's are some of the custom keyboard shortcuts that you can use:
Key comibination | Action |
Super+d | Spawns dmenu |
Super+Escape | Close apps |
Super+Enter | Opens alacritty |
If you have any feedback or suggestions for ft_dwm, feel free to open an issue or a pull request on GitHub. I appreciate your input.