- Linux
- Geth
- MongoDB
- Mgo - mongo database driver for Go
- github.com/satori/go.uuid - uuid library for Go
Run: ./run.sh
By default, this will run the block chain explorer, payment processor and pool.
One Backend includes the following main threads:
scanner: a block chain scanner that informs listeners on change of state (a new block) this periodically queries geth with the current block number and processes the chain until it is up to date. It then stores the last processed block in a persistant file.
payments: a payment processor that takes in payments via RPC, and confirms they payment goes through. this periodically checks if a transaction had really been sent. If it had not been sent after 8 blocks (a safe limit for chain reorganization), then the processor resends the transaction. This uses a persistence file to store pending transactions and mongo to store sent transactions.
web: a thread to periodically update the web backend with miner and pool information.
pool: a web service to listen to incoming miner connections and provide ethereum block shares for proof of work and update miner statistics.
verify: an external RPC service that takes share information and verifies that the given share is valid. Currently implemented via a modified py-ethereum.
All code in this repository is licensed under the MIT open source license.