"Hopefully Minesweeper" is a Python script that allows you to play an extremely scuffed version of Minesweeper through your terminal. I coded this in Python for fun and to prepare for CS242 (Introduction to Data Science) which primarily uses Python. This project is still in the works but I hope to improve upon it! I've been playing Minesweeper for fun since my sophomore year of highschool so it was a lot of fun to try to code it myself!
- Declare how many rows, columns, and mines you would like your board to have.
- Input the space you would like to clear by (row,column), try not to hit any 'x's!
- The numbers indicate how many mines are adjacent to the space. Use process of elimination to avoid the mines!
- Good luck and have fun! Wanna practice Minesweeper? I recommend this website.
py -m pip install numpy
(installs NumPy, used to create the matrix and do other cool matrix stuff)- Run
You can also open this in your preferred coding IDE and run the file.
- Made a scuffed version of Minesweeper
- Cried a little bit
- Drank boba
- Clear multiple empty-spaces at once (wow I'm excited for the math that'll go into here...)
- Artsy Welcome Menu B)
- Difficulty Menu (indecisive of custom rows, columns, and mines? we'll have a noob, casual, and pro difficulty!)
- Options Menu (cheats enabled)
- Arrow-keys to navigate (because who likes counting rows and columns?!)
- Potential YouTube video of the coding process (wouldn't that be funny?)
- Shoutout to @potatomasqer for inspiring me to create my own Minesweeper in Terminal!
- Shoutout to Johnny who is the friend who got me to play Minesweeper in the first place! I forgot if we ever got sub-150 for expert mode on the app lol
- Karl Jobst for this cool video on Minesweeper and the challenge