The Preventative Service application allows a user to input a Patient ID in order to query the Prevention TaskForce API to identify the screening, counseling, and preventive medication services that are appropriate for a specific patient.
The initial app implementation is built by using React.js as the front-end web framework. Node.js and Express are used to set up a back-end server which is used to make API calls to the HAPI FHIR Server.
To run the PreventativeServicesApp locally:
- first clone the repository (github repo) and open it in Visual Studio code.
- next cd into the client folder and install project dependencies using npm install
- open up the Visual Studio terminal and start up the local Express server via npm run server
- another terminal should be used to run npm start which starts the main development environment for the front-end client
- to return a list of Preventative Services for the patient, simply type in a valid PatientID into the form and select the submit button.