Utilities for MITRE's Open Health Manager™, including
- generate a transaction bundle (create all) from a directory of files with json FHIR resources
- generate a Patient Data Receipt from a directory of files with json FHIR resources
- generate a PDR from a searchSet bundle
- generate individual resource files from a bundle where the entries have ids
- run goFSH on directories and sub-directories and collect generated fsh files
Run using the interactive ruby prompt: irb -r ./lib/ohm/utils.rb
To use these bundle generation utilities, you must
- have a collection of FHIR resources, one per file
- all stored in the same directory
To create a transaction bundle (create each entry new) from a directory, use the following command:
puts Ohm::Utils::createTransactionFromDirectory("[target directory]")
This will output the filename where the resulting bundle will be stored, which will be
- in the parent directory of the target
- with name "[target directory short name]_transactionBundle.json"
To create a Patient Data Receipt message bundle from a directory, use the following command:
puts Ohm::Utils::createPDRFromDirectory("[target directory]", "[username]", "[sourceURL]")
This will output the filename where the resulting bundle will be stored, which will be
- in the parent directory of the target
- with name "[target directory short name]_PDRMessageBundle.json"
This repository has some sample resource files that you can use to generate example bundles. To generate files resources_PDRMessageBundle.json and resources_transactionBundle.json, use the following commands
cd /path/to/ohm-utils
irb -r ./lib/ohm/utils.rb
Within the ruby interpreter, execute
puts Ohm::Utils::createPDRFromDirectory("example/resources", "a
394Kutch271", "http://example.org")
puts Ohm::Utils::createTransactionFromDirectory("example/resour
supports a second boolean input. If set to true
, then PUTs will be used whenever an id is specified on the resource (default is false
Copyright 2022 The MITRE Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.