This repository has been archived by the owner on May 10, 2023. It is now read-only.
Release Notes - CAE MMS - Version 3.3.0
- [MMS-901] - do not return 200 if elastic inserts failed
- [MMS-905] - Orgs, projects, refs POST only creates/updates the first org/project/ref object
- [MMS-913] - Add type and parentRefId to refs GET responses
- [MMS-935] - creating org/project with limited permissions leaves MMS in inconsistent state
- [MMS-944] - Update Org Creates Duplicate
- [MMS-950] - Artifacts POST Swagger clean-up
- [MMS-954] - null parent containment check only works with master
- [MMS-955] - use prince directly for pdf, also return immediately
- [MMS-965] - mergeJson needs to merge nested objects
- [MMS-881] - MMS Artifacts support
- [MMS-863] - Ref level transactions
- [MMS-864] - Artifact to Commit History migration
- [MMS-865] - update branching/branching in the past for artifacts table
- [MMS-883] - add artifact get
- [MMS-890] - artifact storage interface
- [MMS-893] - clean up pdf gen
- [MMS-895] - add artifact bulk get
- [MMS-896] - add artifact post
- [MMS-897] - update mapping and sql table creation for artifacts
- [MMS-898] - add artifact commits get
- [MMS-912] - html to word endpoint
- [MMS-914] - Process all objects in */project & */refs POSTs
- [MMS-915] - Add DELETE for */orgs
- [MMS-916] - Add GET to /projects/{project_id}/refs/{ref_id}/elements that returns all elements
- [MMS-917] - Remove underscore in _id and _name for */groups
- [MMS-919] - Create Swagger documentation
- [MMS-920] - Return deleted project(s) in DELETE call
- [MMS-921] - Implement commitId query parameter to */element PUT and GET
- [MMS-928] - Deploy Swagger UI
- [MMS-933] - add comment to commits
- [MMS-936] - return optional aggregation with search results
- [MMS-937] - support user pref
- [MMS-939] - Update swagger
- [MMS-945] - Implement Org Update
- [MMS-946] - Remove all unix line breaks as strings
- [MMS-947] - fixing commit object history
- [MMS-948] - Add delete and search for artifacts
- [MMS-951] - Refactor _isSite to _isGroup
- [MMS-952] - Remove removeWrapper
- [MMS-956] - Add _projectId to delete commit objects and refId to all commit objects
- [MMS-962] - Elements included in commit despite no differences
- [MMS-963] - fix related docs edges during 3.3 migration