This file contains information about the open source projects and GitHub activitities of Open Elements.
Open Elements is an IT company whose main focus is on the two points of Open Source Software (OSS) and Java. By focusing on these two points, we can provide our customers with expert advice and support in the development and use of Open Source Software. By specializing in Java-based OSS, we are members of the leading committees and foundations on these topics and actively contribute to the further development of critical open source systems in the Java ecosystem.

A central goal of our work at GitHub is to be an inclusive community. To do so Open Elements defined the "CONTRIBUTOR COVENANT CODE OF CONDUCT" for all our projects as a global CoC. The CoC is released under the CC BY 4.0 License. More information about the CoC can be found on the offical homepage that contains translation of the text in several languages.
Open collaboration is a central concept of the work at Open Elements. To do so we contribute to OSS in several different ways:
- We contribute to several open source projects like Prometheus, JSF, Eclipse Adoptium, Apache Tuweni, Hedera Hashgraph, IcedTea-Web, and others
- We helped to form the open Java Bean Validation standard as part of the JSR 380 export group and Jakarta Bean Validation contributor (LINK)
- We sponsor several Open Source projects and organizations at GitHub with financially support (LINK)
- We are part of the Eclipse Foundation as a contributing member (LINK)
- We are a offical supporter of the OSPO Alliance since its start (LINK)
- We are a member of the Eclipse Adoptium working group (LINK)
- As a participant member we are part of the JakartaEE working group (LINK)

At Open Elements we want to help people to get into Open Source. Therefore it is quite important for us to provide help to people that want to start working on OSS. We did several sessions about Open Source at conferences and meetups in the past and helped projects like AdoptOpenJDK or Eclipse Adoptium to create issues for newcomers. In future we will provide good first issues for our projects and offer additional help to get into open source by promoting events like hacktoberfest.