Use Carto as a more powerful/performant way to visualize geospatial data in CKAN. And not just visualize, but actually start telling stories as well with round-tripping support with the Carto Builder editor.
Add following in config settings:
ckanext.cartodbmap.cartodb.username = <CartoDB Username Here> ckanext.cartodbmap.cartodb.key = <API Key here>
The following can also be optionally added:
Set a limit for DataStore resources. Resources with a row count higher than the limit will not have a view created, the default value is 100000:
ckanext.cartodbmap.datastore.limit = 100000
Remove geojson_preview from ckan.plugins list
Disable current default geojson view (removes geojson from the list):
ckan.preview.json_formats = json gjson
To install ckanext-cartodbmap for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:
git clone cd ckanext-cartodbmap python develop pip install -r dev-requirements.txt