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DMRconfig is a command line utility for programming digital radios. It runs under Windows, Linux or Mac OS.
Supported radios:
- TYT MD-380, Retevis RT3, RT8
- TYT MD-390
- TYT MD-2017, Retevis RT82
- TYT MD-UV380
- TYT MD-UV390, Retevis RT3S
- TYT MD-9600
- Baofeng DM-1701, Retevis RT84
- Baofeng RD-5R, TD-5R (not DM-5R!)
- Radioddity GD-77
- Anytone AT-D868UV
- Anytone AT-D878UV
- Zastone D900
- Zastone DP880
- Radtel RT-27D
Release package contains binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
- Release 1.1: Added support for Anytone AT-D878UV and TYT MD-390.
- Release 1.0: Added support for Anytone AT-D868UV, BTECH DMR-6x2 and Baofeng DM-1701. Fixed wrong squelch level for GD-77.
- Release 0.9: Added support for Radioddity GD-77.
- Release 0.8: Added support for Baofeng RD-5R.
Read codeplug from the radio and save it to file 'device.img', and also save text configuration to 'device.conf':
dmrconfig -r
Write codeplug to the radio:
dmrconfig -w file.img
Show configuration from the codeplug file:
dmrconfig file.img
Configure the radio from text file. Previous codeplug is saved to 'backup.img':
dmrconfig -c file.conf
Apply configuration from text file to the codeplug file:
dmrconfig -c file.img file.conf
Update database of contacts from CSV file:
dmrconfig -u file.csv
Add -t option to trace the USB protocol.
On Linux, a permission to access USB device is required. It's possible to run dmrconfig as root, like "sudo dmrconfig", but it's safer to enable access for users. Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-dmr.rules with the following contents:
# TYT MD-UV380
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE="666"
# Baofeng RD-5R, TD-5R
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="15a2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0073", MODE="666"
# Anytone AT-D868UV: ignore this device in Modem Manager
ATTRS{idVendor}=="28e9" ATTRS{idProduct}=="018a", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
To activate it, run:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
Then re-attach the USB cable to the radio.
The utility performs three major functions:
- Howto-Read-Codeplug: read codeplug from the radio and save it to a binary file 'device.img'. Also save a text script to 'device.conf'.
- Howto-Write-Codeplug: write a binary codeplug to the radio.
- Howto-Configure-Radio: configure the radio from a text script.
Three additional functions:
- Howto-Extract-Configuration: decompile a binary codeplug into a text script.
- Howto-Configure-Codeplug: apply a text script to a binary codeplug file.
- Howto-Update-Callsign-Database: update the radio's database of ham callsigns from a CSV file.
- rd5r-south-bay-area.conf, uv380-south-bay-area.conf - configurations for San Francisco Bay Area by KK6ABQ.
- gd77-ver311-W5NOR-Oklahoma.conf - configuration for Oklahoma by W5NOR.
- d868uv-norcal-ka7qqv-2017-11-04.conf - configuration for Northern California NorCal BrandMeister Network by KA7QQV.
- d868uv-rmham-2018-10-20.conf, dmr6x2-rmham-2018-10-20.conf - configurations for Colorado RMHam by K0NGA.
- md380-norcal-brandmeister.conf - configuration for Northern California NorCal BrandMeister Network by W6AWD.
- md380-generic-norcal-uhf-20161103b.conf - another NorCal configuration by AE6TT.
- md380-baynet-full-codeplug-rev1.conf - Bay-Net configuration.
- md2017-7-23-2017.conf - configuration for Central Valley in California from DMRTexas.net.
- md2017-DualHotspot-PNW-2017-07-19.conf - configuration by N7EKB.
- md-uv380_bm_2018-08-07.conf - configuration for Denmark by OZ3ZU.
- md-uv380-factory.conf - configuration of my MD-UV380, as it came from factory.
- md-uv380-empty.conf - empty configuration, created by official TYT CPS software (command File/New).
Sources are distributed freely under the terms of Apache 2.0 license. You can download the sources vith GIT:
git clone https://github.com/sergev/dmrconfig
To build on Linux or Mac OS X, use:
make install