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Adding "experimental_timeline" debug preference, to allow for conditi… #1205

Adding "experimental_timeline" debug preference, to allow for conditi…

Adding "experimental_timeline" debug preference, to allow for conditi… #1205

name: Label merge conflicts
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push to repo
# branches.
# (It shouldn't run on pull requests, as it won't have the right credentials
# to edit labels on other PRs.)
on: push
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: eps1lon/[email protected]
# Token for the repository. Can be passed in using {{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
repoToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Name of the label which indicates that the branch is dirty
dirtyLabel: 'conflicts'
# Number of seconds after which the action runs again if the mergable state is unknown.
retryAfter: 60
# Number of times the action retries calculating the mergable state
retryMax: 5
# String. Comment to add when the pull request is conflicting. Supports markdown.
commentOnDirty: 'Merge conflicts have been detected on this PR, please resolve.'