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fix(queue): Manual Judgment propagation (spinnaker#4475) (#35)
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Manual Judgment was always propagated if the MJ stage was the first one in the pipeline, regardless of the value of `propagateAuthenticationContext`.

The code for backtracking through stages to find an `AuthenticatedStage` provider would improperly return any stage that did not have an ancestor, ignoring criteria for selecting a stage that should be propagating authentication.

Additionally, code in `AuthenticationAware` would mutate a `SKIPPED` MJ stage, copying the `LastModifiedDetails` value from the "real" MJ stage ancestor (or the root stage, as described above).  This mutation is not necessary, and `AuthenticationAware` can just ignore it as it traverses ancestors of the current stage.

Co-authored-by: jcavanagh <[email protected]>
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sudhakaropsmx and jcavanagh authored Jun 30, 2023
1 parent 70ade2e commit 4316e28
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Expand Up @@ -60,33 +60,16 @@ interface AuthenticationAware {
fun retrieveAuthenticatedUser(stage: StageExecution) : PipelineExecution.AuthenticationDetails? {
return stageNavigator
.firstOrNull { it.stageBuilder is AuthenticatedStage } ?.let{
(it.stageBuilder as AuthenticatedStage).authenticatedUser(solveAuthStages(it.stage)).orElse(null)
.firstOrNull {
it.stageBuilder is AuthenticatedStage &&
it.stage.isManualJudgmentType &&
!it.stage.status.isSkipped &&
val authStage = it.stage
return if(authStage != null) {
(it.stageBuilder as AuthenticatedStage).authenticatedUser(authStage).orElse(null)
} else null

// When a first valid candidate is found in the ancestors chain is returned
// until the ancestor chain was iterated completely at the pipeline beginning
fun backtrackStages(stage: StageExecution): StageExecution {
if (stage.isManualJudgmentType &&
!stage.status.isSkipped &&
stage.withPropagateAuthentication()) {
return stage;
val previousStage = if (stageNavigator.ancestors(stage).size > 1) stageNavigator.ancestors(stage).get(1).stage else null
return if (previousStage == null) stage else backtrackStages(previousStage)

//Next method will look by a possible stage with authentication propagated in case that previous
//stage brokes the auth chain, iterating the stage ancestors. By the moment only MJ stages approved with
//auth propagated are considerated as candidates
fun solveAuthStages(stage: StageExecution): StageExecution {
if (stage.isManualJudgmentType()) {
val result = backtrackStages(stage)
stage.lastModified = result.lastModified
return result
return stage
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@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@

import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.any
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.mock
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.whenever
import org.jetbrains.spek.api.dsl.describe
import org.jetbrains.spek.api.lifecycle.CachingMode
import org.jetbrains.spek.subject.SubjectSpek
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ObjectProvider
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.*

class AuthenticationAwareTest : SubjectSpek<AuthenticationAware> ({
val sdbProvider : ObjectProvider<Collection<StageDefinitionBuilder>> = mock()
val stageNavigator = StageNavigator(DefaultStageResolver(sdbProvider))

subject(CachingMode.GROUP) {
object : AuthenticationAware {
override val stageNavigator: StageNavigator
get() = stageNavigator

// Arg defines which named stages get which propagation setting:
// {
// mj1: true,
// mj2: false,
// mj3: null,
// ...
// }
fun makePipeline(propagateConfig: Map<String, Boolean?>) : PipelineExecution {
// Set up a base context to be copied around
val ctx : MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf()
ctx["judgmentStatus"] = "continue"

// Creates a pipeline that looks like this
// MJ 1 - Wait 1 - MJ 2 - Wait 2
// \ MJ 3 - Wait 3 - MJ 4 (skipped manually) - Wait 4
// Covering the following important cases:
// - A root stage being MJ
// - Multiple MJs in a row
// - Propagating or not
// - Different users approving different MJ stages
// All MJ stages are approved by "propagateUserX" where X is the MJ stage number above
// Except for MJ 4, which is skipped manually and always has no lastModifiedDetails
return pipeline {
stage {
refId = "1"
name = "mj1"
type = "manualJudgment"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
context = ctx.toMutableMap().also {
it["lastModifiedBy"] = "propagatedUser1"
if(propagateConfig["mj1"] != null) {
it["propagateAuthenticationContext"] = propagateConfig["mj1"]!!
lastModified = LastModifiedDetails().also {
it.user = "propagatedUser1"
it.lastModifiedTime =
stage {
refId = "2"
name = "wait1"
type = "wait"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("1")
stage {
refId = "3"
name = "mj2"
type = "manualJudgment"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("2")
context = ctx.toMutableMap().also {
it["lastModifiedBy"] = "propagatedUser2"
if(propagateConfig["mj2"] != null) {
it["propagateAuthenticationContext"] = propagateConfig["mj2"]!!
lastModified = LastModifiedDetails().also {
it.user = "propagatedUser2"
it.lastModifiedTime =
stage {
refId = "4"
name = "wait2"
type = "wait"
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("3")
stage {
refId = "5"
name = "mj3"
type = "manualJudgment"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("1")
context = ctx.toMutableMap().also {
it["lastModifiedBy"] = "propagatedUser3"
if(propagateConfig["mj3"] != null) {
it["propagateAuthenticationContext"] = propagateConfig["mj3"]!!
lastModified = LastModifiedDetails().also {
it.user = "propagatedUser3"
it.lastModifiedTime =
stage {
refId = "6"
name = "wait3"
type = "wait"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("5")
stage {
refId = "7"
name = "mj4"
type = "manualJudgment"
status = ExecutionStatus.SKIPPED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("6")
context = ctx.toMutableMap().also {
ctx["manualSkip"] = true
lastModified = null
stage {
refId = "8"
name = "wait4"
type = "wait"
status = ExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED
requisiteStageRefIds = listOf("7")

describe("Propagates authentication from manual judgment stages if configured") {
it("Finds the propagated user in wait1 after root mj1") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("2"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser1", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds no propagated user in wait1 after root mj1") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to false))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("2"))
assertEquals(null, stageUser?.user, )

it("Finds no propagated user in wait1 after root mj1 when unset") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to null))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("2"))
assertEquals(null, stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait2 when mj1 & mj2 are set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true, "mj2" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("4"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser2", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait2 when mj1 only is set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("4"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser1", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait3 when mj1 & mj3 are set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true, "mj3" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("6"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser3", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait3 when mj1 only is set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("6"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser1", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait4 when mj1 & mj3 are set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true, "mj3" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("8"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser3", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds propagated user in wait4 when mj1 only is set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf("mj1" to true))
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("8"))
assertEquals("propagatedUser1", stageUser?.user)

it("Finds no propagated user in wait4 when none are set") {
val mjp = makePipeline(mapOf())
val stageUser = subject.retrieveAuthenticatedUser(mjp.stageByRef("8"))
assertEquals(null, stageUser?.user)
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Expand Up @@ -1848,73 +1848,6 @@ object RunTaskHandlerTest : SubjectSpek<RunTaskHandler>({

describe("when a previous stage was a skipped manual judgment stage with auth propagated") {
given("a stage with a manual judgment type and auth propagated") {
val timeout = Duration.ofMinutes(5)
val lastModifiedUser = StageExecution.LastModifiedDetails()
lastModifiedUser.user = "user"
lastModifiedUser.allowedAccounts = listOf("user")

val pipeline = pipeline {
stage {
refId = "1"
type = manualJudgmentStage.type
status = SUCCEEDED
context["propagateAuthenticationContext"] = true
context["judgmentStatus"] = "continue"
lastModified = lastModifiedUser

val stageSkipped : StageExecution = stage {
refId = "2"
type = manualJudgmentStage.type
context["manualSkip"] = true
status = SKIPPED
requisiteStageRefIds = setOf("1")

val stageSpy = spy(stageSkipped)

val stageResult1 : = mock()
whenever(stageResult1.stage) doReturn pipeline.stageByRef("1")
whenever(stageResult1.stageBuilder) doReturn manualJudgmentStage
val stageResult2 : = mock()
whenever(stageResult2.stage) doReturn stageSpy
whenever(stageResult2.stageBuilder) doReturn manualJudgmentStage

val stage = pipeline.stageByRef("2")
val message = RunTask(pipeline.type,, "foo",, "1",

beforeGroup {
tasks.forEach { whenever(it.extensionClass) doReturn }
taskExecutionInterceptors.forEach { whenever(it.beforeTaskExecution(task, stage)) doReturn stage }
whenever(repository.retrieve(PIPELINE, message.executionId)) doReturn pipeline
whenever(task.getDynamicTimeout(any())) doReturn timeout.toMillis()
whenever(stageNavigator.ancestors(stage)) doReturn listOf(stageResult2, stageResult1)


action("the handler receives a message") {

it("marks the task as skipped") {
verify(queue).push(CompleteTask(message, SKIPPED))

it("verify if last authenticated user was retrieved from candidate stage") {
assertEquals(stageSpy.lastModified, lastModifiedUser)


data class BackOff(
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