A plugin to schedule execution of commands on multiple platforms
Spigot | Velocity | BungeeCord |
# execute
# Currently supported platforms: Spigot, Velocity
# Compatible platforms: Spigot, BungeeCord, Velocity
# If you would like to opt out from including the name of the commands excecuted below in stats. THIS DOES NOT OPT YOU OUT FROM BSTATS!
# Commands:
# Use cron expressions to schedule commands (https://crontab.guru/ to generate cron expressions if you are unfamiliar)
# If you use OskarsMC-Plugins/broadcast, use "broadcast-id <id>"
"* * * * *" = [
"say This Message Is Sent Every Minute!",
"say And so is this one!"
"0 0 * * *" = [
"say Midnight Strikes!"
# Please don't touch
The configuration uses UNIX Cron Expressions.
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