Our bot is always not finished yet. But here is a list of function that it can do till now!
help + command for aliases.
- help - obviously, it shows help panel
- prefix - yes, our bot has custom prefix! Make your own!
- ping - this officially shows ping of the bot. so useful!
- invite - welb. this shows invite link /shrug
- avatar - it shows your or mention's avatar
- settings - see your server's settings
- vote - vote to get reward
- shop - show stuffs are selling
- buy - buy stuff in shop
- sell - sell stuff in you inventory
- hunt - hunt animals to earn more owlet and exp
- fish - fishing to earn more owlet and exp
- give - give owlet to a member
- gift - give your friend a surprise present
- steal - be a thief!
- cooldown - show your recent cooldown commands
- start - start a profile to join economy system
- profile - show your personal profile (you can actually decorate it)
- inventory - show your stuffs in inventory
- points - use your points to gain your stats
- skills - learn a new skill
- battle - challenge your friend or a monster
- monsters - like a monsters dex which shows you informations about a monster
- theme - change your battle theme
- title - change your title in profile
- color - change your embed color
- equip - equip an equipment
- unequip - unequip an equipment
- clap - you can cheer up your friend and also yourself
- rockpaperscissors - one two three, 123, rps or whatever u called it. Its a minigame. Against bot or your friend
- blackjack - let's bet!
- cointoss - try your luck
- pick - randomly pick a thing from your stuffs
- purge - bulkdelete messages with optional choice
- kick - kick a member with reason supported
- ban - ban a member with reason supported
If you forget your custom prefix, you can find it by mention the bot!
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