AV200 accepts Generic Aiding Data GAD from sensors such as Camera odometry data and able to provide navigation data in a global co-ordinate Latitude, Longitude and Altitude frame. Documentation below discusses how to achieve a GAD system running successfully.
ZED 2i Camera and AV200 supports ROS2 frameworks. ZED 2i Stereo Camera provides Visual Odometry (VO) topics with ROS2. AV200 supports Generic Aiding Data GAD for localisation in a GNSS denied environment. Motivation for the project is to use the ZED camera visual odometry data as Velocity GAD and send it to the AV200 as GAD packets and allow the AV200 to provide navigation odometry as ROS2 topics. Rviz allows to visualise the ROS2 topics to validate the data.
Follow the steps in a chronological order as discussed below to install the required software, build example code, configure the system and run the application in ROS2 environment.
• AV200 with Velocity GAD feature enabled. To enable the feature code please contact OxTS support team.
• ZED 2i camera.
• Jetson Orin Nano.
Directory structure must be followed in order for a successful installation.
ROS2 Working folder:
ROS2 Work Space folder:
~/projects/ros_ws/ colcon build should be done from this folder.
ROS2 packages folder:
~/projects/ros_ws/src/ clone all ROS2 wrapper and packages from this folder.
Follow the installation steps as discussed below:
Jetson Orin Nano does not have preinstalled operating system. Jetpack 5.1.1 required for ZED SDK. If you have Jetson Orin Nano with preinstalled Jetpack 5.1.1 please skip the step 1 and check for the installed versions.
Run NVIDIA sdkmanager on a Ubuntu 20.04 laptop or desktop computer. User login required to download the sdk manager. The Jetson Orin must have the micro sd card inserted with usb-c connected to the Ubuntu 20.04 laptop/desktop and powered on. Launch the sdk manager using command line sdkmanager and it will detect the Jetson Orin Nano automatically. Select the target and Jetpack 5.1.1 as its required by the ZED SDK.
Once sdkmanager have finished installation Jetpack image on to Jetson Orin Nano unplug the usb-c connector and hard reboot the Jetson Orin Nano.
Run the following command to check for correct version of the Ubuntu, CUDA, OpenCV installed.
- Jetpack version
sudo apt-cache show nvidia-jetpack
- CUDA version
nvcc --version
- Ubuntu version
lsb_release -a
- OpenCV version
dpkg -l | grep libopencv
Once the necessary software are installed its necessary to create the folder name project, cloning git repos must be done within project folder.
Follow the link download the ZED SDK JetPack 5.1.1 (L4T 35.3) and follow the instructions.
The ZED SDK file ./ZED_SDK_Tegra_L4T35.3_v4.0.6.zstd.run will be downloaded in Download folder and run for installation and it may require 2 hours to install. Once installation completed go to folder /usr/local/zed/tools and the ZED_Diagnostic. The diagnostic application helps to indentify if there are any hardware issues.
Make sure current working folder is project. Clone the ZED-GAD.
And it will have a sub folder called ZED-GAD. Sub folders:
Build Scripts:
zed_gad_node_build.sh -> This will build the ZED node.
build_gad_sdk.sh -> This will clone the GAD SDK repo, build and install the gad sdk.
build_ncom_ros.sh -> This will clone the NCOM ROS2 driver repo, build and install it.
Run Scripts:
zed_gad_node_run.sh -> This will run the ZED node.
zed_gad.cpp -> source file to implement the zed_gad ros node
The call back Function void ZedGadPoseOdom::odomCameraCallback(const nav_msgs::msg::Odometry::SharedPtr msg) receives ZED camera odometry pose data, it contain the orientation in Quaternion and Position of the camera. The position of the camera is in global frame and not in camera body frame. The camera orientation (yaw, pitch and roll) has been used to convert global position into body frame. The camera does not provide the velocity odometry. We have used the time difference delta time between the frame and delta position to compute the velocity.
double oriX = msg->pose.pose.orientation.x;
double oriY = msg->pose.pose.orientation.y;
double oriZ = msg->pose.pose.orientation.z;
double oriW = msg->pose.pose.orientation.w;
Converts the camera pose orientation into camera heading (yaw), pitch and roll angles using the tf2::Quaternion and tf2::Matrix.
tf2::Quaternion q(oriX, oriY, oriZ, oriW);
tf2::Matrix3x3 m(q);
double roll, pitch, yaw; //in radian
m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
Convert angles to matrices
Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> Rh, Rp, Rr;
Heading rotation matrix
Rh << cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), 0,
sin(yaw), cos(yaw), 0,
0, 0, 1;
Pitch rotation matrix
Rp << cos(pitch), 0, sin(pitch),
0, 1, 0,
-sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch);
Roll rotation matrix
Rr << 1.0, 0.0, 0,
0, cos(roll), -sin(roll),
0, sin(roll), cos(roll);
// Apply all rotations as discussed here.
Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> C_lc = Rh * Rp * Rr;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> C_cl = C_lc.transpose();
Compute velocities in the global frame m_prevX m_prevY and m_prevZ are the previous global position. time_delta is the time difference between the previous and current frame.
double x_diff = msg->pose.pose.position.x - m_prevX;
double y_diff = msg->pose.pose.position.y - m_prevY;
double z_diff = msg->pose.pose.position.z - m_prevZ;
double velX = time_delta != 0 ? x_diff / time_delta : 0;
double velY = time_delta != 0 ? y_diff / time_delta : 0;
double velZ = time_delta != 0 ? z_diff / time_delta : 0;
OxTS::GadVelocity gv = OxTS::GadVelocity(130); //Gad packet ID 130 will be sent to the AV200
gv.SetVelOdom(Vx, Vy, Vz);
The covariance matrix of the camera pose odometry is a 6 by 6 matrix has a total of 36 elements we use the diagnoal elements of the matrix element 0 7 and 14, 3 covarnace values required to create the GAD packet.
double covarXX = msg->pose.covariance[0];
double covarYY = msg->pose.covariance[7];
double covarZZ = msg->pose.covariance[14];
gv.SetVelOdomVar(fabs(covarXX), fabs(covarYY), fabs(covarZZ));
Set the gad packet in latency mode
zed_gad.h -> header file to declare the class function etc main.cpp -> runs the ros2 gad_zed node
Use the av200_monitor to initialise the AV200. It will send the following commands based on the av200 navigation status:
!set time target \r\n AV200 Nav mode 1 will require system time
Once AV200 in Nav mode 2 it will send out the following commands: !set init aidpos \r\n
!set init hea \r\n
!set init aidvel 0 0 0 \r\n
Arguments required for av200_monitor
av200_monitor <ip_address> <heading_deg> <heading_accuracy>
Make sure current folder is projects folder.
sudo .\zed-gad\script\build_gad_sdk
Require Boost 1.7 to build GAD SDK
- Follow the link to install Boost 1.7.
- Jetson Orin Nano supports the following command:
sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
git clone https://github.com/OxfordTechnicalSolutions/gad-sdk.git --recursive
cd gad-sdk
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install
ROS2 Foxy follow the instructions to install the Foxy. Also it contains the instructions to install the ZED ROS2 Wrapper. The ZED ROS2 wrapper needs to be build using the colcon build command. Prior to running the command colcon build it will necessary to clone the following ROS2 packages as its not installed by the Foxy. Make sure the current folder is ~/projects/ros_ws/src/
nmea_msg ROS2 package required by ZED ROS2 wrapper to build. Clone the repository ~/projects/ros_ws/src/ and once the repository is cloned, checkout the branch ros2.
geographic_info ROS2 package required by ZED ROS2 wrapper to build. Clone the repository ~/projects/ros_ws/src/ and once the repository is cloned, checkout the branch ros2.
diagnoistic ROS2 package required by ZED ROS2 wrapper to build. Clone the repository ~/projects/ros_ws/src/ and once the repository is cloned, checkout the branch ros2.
sudo apt install ros-foxy-robot-localization. The robot_localization package required by the ZED ROS2 wrapper to build.
Clone zed-ros2-wrapper. git clone --recursive https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-ros2-wrapper.git &&
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/image_common.git --branch 3.0.0 --single-branch
sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-xacro
Once the above packages are cloned change current directory to ~/projects/ros_ws/ to build the packages.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined"
Make sure you are in project folder.
sudo .\zed-gad\script\build_ncom_ros.sh
Follow the instructions to build the OxTS ROS2 driver. Clone the repo within project folder.
Jetson Orin Nano needs to be configured with WIFI hotspot to allow the user laptop to receive ROS data. jetsonhacks.com shows how to setup the HotSpot on Jetson Orin Nano.
If the AV200 ip address and Jetson Orin Nano ip address are not on the same subnet, it does not allow to send command to the INS using the av200_monitor. In order to over come the issue use nmtui command add the subnet of the AV200 ip address.
The Jetson Orin Nano has the ip address and AV200 has the ip address Add ip address so that Jetson Orin can send command and ftp files from the unit.
ZED camera support PTP setup and AV200 configured with GNSS as the master for PTP. Install the PTP on Jetson Orin using the following link, its best to clone it within project folder follow the command to build and install.
Use NAVconfig to configure the AV200 as PTP master. Disable the Automatic Date & Time update over internet on Jetson Orin.
Edit the gPTP.cfg file and network_transport should be set to UDPv4.
On the Jetson Orin run the folowing command:
sudo ptp4l -i eth0 -f configs/gPTP.cfg --step_threshold=1 -m -S -s
The PTP configs is in the timesync folder and make sure you are in the correct folder.
The mobile.cfg file needs to have the following command:
Above command allows to disable use of GNSS packets for navigation and only use for timing.
-x>gps1: b5 62 06 8a 14 00 00 01 00 00 05 00 05 40 00 00 00 00 04 00 05 40 e8 03 00 00 23 be
-time_sync_int # Allow AV200 to receive time using command, AV200 does not have GNSS connected and would require external time
-gad_on130 ### Set the GAD packet ON ###
-location3_0.08_0.04_0.01_0.05_0.05_0.05 # position of the camera with respect to AV200 IMU
-attitude5_0.0_0.0_180.0_0.10_0.10_0.10 # roll rotation required for the AV200 in the same frame as the Camera
-sync_mode_xoemcore # GPS card to generate PPS
Above system was mounted on Jackal for demonstration.
Camera odom topic on ROS2 has a right hand co-ordinate frame.
X is Forward
Y is Left
Z is Up
AV200 co-ordinate
X is Forward
Y is Right
Z is Down
Once the AV200 is initialised using the av200_monitor. Run /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash and . install/setup.bash from the folder ~/projects/ros_ws. And launch the zed_node and zed_gad node using this the launch command discussed below.
Display the nodes are running using the command:
ros2 node list
Display the topics are running using the command:
ros2 topic list
Display the rviz using the command:
Install rqt visual tool for plotting velocity topic provided by the zed_gad node.
sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-rqt
sudo apt-get install ros-foxy-common-plugins
run rqt on command line to view the ZED camera body velocity. Also make sure the /zed2i/zed_node node and zed_gad nodes are running.
Move the camera forward/backward and Velocity Vx should change. Move the camera left/right and Velocity Vy should change. Move the camera up/down and Velocity Vz should change.
Change the heading of the Camera from its origin state i.e. rotate by 90 deg and repeat the above process. Change in velocity should correspond to the camera body frame.
ros2 run zed_gad zed_gad <AV200 IP Address>
Use the ubuntu NetCat command to send udp packet on port 3001 for AV200.
nc -u <AV200_IP_Address> 3001
!set init aidpos
!set init hea
!set init aidvel
Above list of command can be used to send command using the nc.
After plugging in the ZED 2i camera, run the ZED Diagnostic tool to ensure system requirements have been met and configure the camera.
Launch the ZED node to begin publishing topics from the ZED wrapper.
ros2 launch zed_wrapper zed2i.launch.py
Run the zed_gad node to send Velocity GAD packets and publish velocity.
ros2 run zed_gad zed_gad <AV200 IP Address>
Edit the ~/projects/ros_ws/src/oxts_ros2_driver/oxts_driver/config/default.yaml and change the unit_ip address with the ip address of the AV200.
Run the command to publish the NCOM odom topic
ros2 launch oxts run.py unit_pi:=<IP_Address> lrf_source:=0
Green represent ground using GNSS truth and red represent Camera ZED-GAD.