I am Jacob, a student interested in computer science and programming, specifically hoping to pursue a caereer in cyber security. I am also interested in low level and systems programming as well as cryptography, open source software.
I have run linux as my primary OS for years now. consequently, i am a compotent manager and user of linux based systems, from my daily desktop usage and servers i have run in the past. I am confident with all facets of the operating system from package management to shell scripting.
I began programming with python but quickly fell in love with lower level languages like c++. I am still comfortable working with both of these languages however, have moved on to learning more modern low level languages like rust, zig, nim and go. I am currently focusing on rust and have quickly been getting better and better.
I develop my applications on mainline arch, I have a custom desktop enviroment i use, a cobbled together mess of programs like bspwm and polybar with scripts as the glue. I use a combination of the kitty terminal, tmux and neovim when developing my software as well as git for version management. I love messing with my dotfiles.