PCBench is a large-scale benchmark with 47,478
test cases, each labeled with compatibility information, covering 844
parameter-changed APIs from 33
popular Python third-party libraries. This large-scale dataset serves as a benchmark for evaluating the detection and repair tools of Python API parameter compatibility issues.
├── Benchmark
├── Library
├── API@V1-V2
├── APIV1.yml
├── APIV2.yml
├── test_case#1YY
├── test_case.py
├── test_case.json
├── test_case#2YY
├── test_case.py
├── test_case.json
├── API@V1-V2
- Library: Python third-party library name.
- API@V1-V2: An API with parameter changes between version V1 and V2.
- APIV1.yml: An Aanconda virtual environment configuration file containing the library version V1.
- APIV2.yml: An Anaconda virtual environment configuration file containing the library version V2.
- test_case#1YY: The first test case generated by the API, where the first 'Y' means compatible, where the second 'Y' means runnable.
- test_case.py: Code snippet.
- test_case.json: Configuration file for PCART.
Run the following command to install the virtual environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Download the .tar.gz
packages from PCBenchVenvs or PCBenchVenvs (faster in China) and install the virtual environment by executing the following commands:
cd /home/usr/anaconda3/envs
mkdir envName
tar -xzvf envName.tar.gz -C envName
Note: Some envs may still be missing system libraries (e.g., libopenblas.so.0), which should be installed using apt
- Python 3.9
- openpyxl 3.1.2
- anaconda 23.5.2
python run.py
Each test case in PCBench can be regarded as an independent test project. To use PCART to detect and repair compatibility issues in PCBench, you need to create the virtual environments for the test case's current version and the target version based on the .yml
files, and then create a JSON configuration file as follows:
"projPath": "/home/usr/Benchmark/flask/[email protected]/flask.json.load#1YY",
"runCommand": "python loadYY.py",
"runFilePath": "",
"libName": "flask",
"currentVersion": "2.2.5",
"targetVersion": "2.3.0",
"currentEnv": "/home/usr/anaconda3/envs/flask2.2.5",
"targetEnv": "/home/usr/anaconda3/envs/flask2.3.0"
python generateJson.py
Then, copy the configuration file to PCART/Configure
and run command as follows:
python main.py -cfg config.json