- Python Django Example
- Getting an API Key
- Payment with Moncash
- Payment Detail
- Send Rewards
- Create Card
- Card Detail
- List Cards
$ cd example
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py runserver
before we start the integration make sure you have:
- Registered for a PG Rewards developer Account
- Navigate to Settings > Developer Setting
- Click on Generate New Credentials to get new credentials
$ pip install pgrwpy
You need to setup your key and secret using the following:
To work in production mode you need to specify your production PG_USER_ID & PG_SECRET_KEY along with a production_mode True boolean flag
import pgrwpy
client = pgrwpy.Client(auth=(PG_USER_ID, PG_SECRET_KEY),
To work in sandbox mode you need to specify your sandbox PG_USER_ID & PG_SECRET_KEY keys along with a False boolean flag or you could just omit the production_mode flag since it defaults to False if not specified
import pgrwpy
client = pgrwpy.Client(auth=(PG_USER_ID, PG_SECRET_KEY),
After setting up the client instance you can get the current pgrwpy SDK version using the following:
In order to receive payments using this flow, first of all you will need to create a Moncash payment. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
amount | Yes | number | Amount in Haitian Currency (gourdes) |
referenceId | Yes | string | Your internal reference ID into your own system for tracking purposes |
successUrl | Yes | string | Send the user back once the transaction is successfully complete |
errorUrl | Yes | string | Send the user back if there is an error with the transaction |
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide
data = {
"amount": 500,
"referenceId": "12345test",
"successUrl": "https://example.com",
"errorUrl": "https://example.com"
payment = client.Payment.moncash(data)
print(payment['redirectUrl']) #the redirect moncash link
Did you get a HTTP 201 response, if yes then you are all set for the next step.
Now that you have created a payment, the next step is to implement polling to get Payment Details. We recommend a 4-5 second interval between requests. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
orderId | Yes | string | Your internal reference ID into your own system for tracking purposes |
res = client.Payment.get_payment_details("<orderId>")
print(res) # 200: OK
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide On successful payment, the status in the response will change to COMPLETED In case of a pending for Payment, the status in the response will change to PENDING
You can use send rewards as a way to recharge a user's account. The funds will automatically be available on their virtual or physical card. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
Yes | string | Recipient email | |
amount | Yes | number | Amount for the recipient |
prepaid | Yes | boolean | User created via your platform, default true |
data = {
"email": "[email protected]",
"amount": 10,
"prepaid": False,
res = client.Reward.send(data)
print(res) # 200: OK
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide Did you get a HTTP 201 response, if yes then you are all set for the next step.
In order to create a card, you will need to send a request to us with the following parameters:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
fullName | Yes | number | Recipient that needs to be on the card |
amount | Yes | string | Available mount to spend with the card |
Yes | string | Email of the card recipient | |
billingAddress | Yes | object | Recipient address on the card. The country is required inside billingAddress |
physical | Yes | boolean | If set to true, then card shipped to the provided address - only shipping for physical USA |
person | Yes | string | prepaid/user - user is a registered user on the platform, and prepaid is just temporary prepaid card with a limited amount and limited feature |
The billing address object reference above
Field | Required | Type | Description |
line1 | Yes | string | recipient street address |
city | Yes | string | recipient city |
country | Yes | string | recipient country |
state | Yes | string | recipient state |
postal_code | Yes | number | recipient postal code |
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide
data = {
"fullName": "Stanley Castin",
"amount": 5,
"email": "[email protected]",
"billingAddress": {
"line1": "9700 Medlock Bridge Road",
"city": "John Creeks",
"country": "US",
"state": "WA",
"postal_code": "90098"
"physical": False,
"person": "prepaid" # prepaid | user
res = client.Card.create(data)
print(res) # 200: OK
Did you get a HTTP 201 response, if yes then you are all set for the next step.
Now that you have created a card, the next step is to implement polling to get Card Details. We recommend a 4-5 second interval between requests. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
cardId | Yes | string | the actual card id |
cardHolderId | Yes | string | The owner of the card |
res = client.Card.get_card_details("<cardId>", "<cardHolderId>")
print(res) # 200: OK
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide
the next step is to implement polling to get all Cards. We recommend a 4-5 second interval between requests. Following are the important parameters that you can provide for this method:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
cardHolderId | Yes | string | The owner of the card |
res = client.Card.get_all_cards("<cardHolderId>")
print(res) # 200: OK
For details of all the request and response parameters , check our PG API Documentation guide
- Payment with Moncash
- Payment Detail
- Send Rewards
- Create Card
- Card Detail
- List Cards