This code is part of a NIST submission for the PQC signatures call.
This is the sage implementation of the round-2 version fo the MAYO scheme. Learn about it on our website.
Warning: This code is a research prototype. Do not use it in production.
In order to natively build, run, test and benchmark the library, you will need the following:
Python3 >= 3.12
pycryptodomex >= 3.21 (please, install this version to avoid bugs with pycrypto.
Install it on sage by running 'sage --pip install pycryptodomex')
Sage >= 10.5
In order to run, you can type:
make run (pure sage version)
In order to test the library, run:
make test
In order to test the KAT of the library, run:
make kat-test
To generate the vectors, run:
make vectors