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Hattian Religion
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Adds the secret Hattian Religion from Invictus as its own religion in CK2
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DrDudelsack committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent 91aed41 commit b25419f
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Showing 10 changed files with 168 additions and 8 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -525,3 +525,26 @@ c_toledo={ #Capital of the Visigoths
holy_site = arian


c_galatia={ #Capital and holy city of the Hittites and Hatti
holy_site = hattian
holy_site = hattian_reformed
c_edessa={ #Closest to Wassukani
holy_site = hattian
holy_site = hattian_reformed
c_sinope={ #Site of Zalpa, which is possibly Zalpuwa
holy_site = hattian
holy_site = hattian_reformed
c_ikonion={ #Site of Catalhuyuk, to whom the Hatti were possibly related
holy_site = hattian
holy_site = hattian_reformed
holy_site = hattian
holy_site = hattian_reformed

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -473,5 +473,31 @@ d_hurrian_reformed = {
# Cannot be held as a secondary title
primary = yes

dynasty_title_names = no # Will not be named "Seljuk", etc.

d_hattian_reformed = {
color={ 0.88 0.88 0.88 }
color2={ 0.88 0.88 0.88 }

capital = 1183 # Bost


short_name = yes

# Always exists
landless = yes

# Controls a religion
controls_religion = hattian_reformed

religion = hattian_reformed

# Cannot be held as a secondary title
primary = yes

dynasty_title_names = no # Will not be named "Seljuk", etc.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ polytheistic = {
intermarry = cybelene
intermarry = canaanite_reformed
intermarry = hurrian
intermarry = hattian

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -578,6 +579,7 @@ polytheistic = {

intermarry = cybelene_reformed
intermarry = hurrian
intermarry = hattian

scythian_reformed = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -747,6 +749,7 @@ polytheistic = {
intermarry = canaanite
intermarry = mithraic
intermarry = hurrian
intermarry = hattian

armazic_reformed = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1075,6 +1078,7 @@ polytheistic = {
intermarry = canaanite
intermarry = cybelene
intermarry = hurrian
intermarry = hattian

mayan_reformed = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1641,11 +1645,11 @@ polytheistic = {
high_god_name = Teshub

god_names = {
elil ea_god nergal ninlil nabu shamash ishtar ningirsu dumuzi
Shaushka Tasmishu Silver Enlil Hutena Hutelluri Ea

evil_god_names = {
tiamat lamashtu
Anu Kumarbi Allani Lamma

religious_clothing_head = 14
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1709,6 +1713,95 @@ polytheistic = {
intermarry = egyptian
intermarry = khaldic
intermarry = armazic
intermarry = hattian

hattian_reformed = {
graphical_culture = persiangfx

icon = 129
heresy_icon = 130

color = { 0.88 0.88 0.88 }

crusade_name = GREAT_HOLY_WAR
use_new_crusade = yes
crusade_cb = new_crusade
scripture_name = hattian_scripture

high_god_name = Hannahanna

god_names = {
Hapantali Shulinkatte Zaparwa Kasku Taru Talipinu Estan Hatepinu Katahzipuri Inaras

evil_god_names = {

religious_clothing_head = 14
religious_clothing_priest = 3

priests_can_marry = yes
female_temple_holders = yes
can_call_crusade = yes
join_crusade_if_bordering_hostile = yes
allow_looting = yes
max_consorts = 3

allow_in_ruler_designer = no

intermarry = hattian

hattian = {
graphical_culture = persiangfx

icon = 128
heresy_icon = 130

color = { 0.78 0.78 0.78 }

crusade_name = GREAT_HOLY_WAR
use_new_crusade = yes
crusade_cb = new_crusade
scripture_name = hattian_scripture
priest_title = PRIEST

high_god_name = Hannahanna

god_names = {
Hapantali Shulinkatte Zaparwa Kasku Taru Talipinu Estan Hatepinu Katahzipuri Inaras

evil_god_names = {

reformed = hattian_reformed

religious_clothing_head = 14
religious_clothing_priest = 3

priests_can_marry = yes
dislike_tribal_organization = yes
can_demand_religious_conversion = no
allow_looting = yes
female_temple_holders = yes
max_consorts = 3

intermarry = hattian_reformed

intermarry = canaanite
intermarry = cybelene
intermarry = sumerian
intermarry = canaanite
intermarry = hellenic_pagan
intermarry = egyptian
intermarry = khaldic
intermarry = armazic
intermarry = hurrian

Expand Down
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
20.1.1 = {
holder = 0
active = no
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1014,17 +1014,17 @@ spriteTypes = {
spriteType = {
name = "GFX_religion_icon_strip"
texturefile = "gfx\\interface\\religion_icon_strip.tga"
noOfFrames = 127
noOfFrames = 130
spriteType = {
name = "GFX_religion_icon_strip_small"
texturefile = "gfx\\interface\\religion_icon_strip_small.tga"
noOfFrames = 127
noOfFrames = 130
spriteType = {
name = "GFX_religion_icon_strip_big"
texturefile = "gfx\\interface\\religion_icon_strip_big.tga"
noOfFrames = 127
noOfFrames = 130
spriteType = {
name = "GFX_secret_religion_icon_bg"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#Translations done by PKZB
#Translations done by PKZB, Shinymewtwo99, and Google Translate

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ nuragic;Nuragic;Nuragic;Nuragische;;Nuragic;;;;;;;;;x

#reformed religions
Expand All @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ voxite_reformed;Voxite;Voxite;Voxische;;Voxite;;;;;;;;;x

#religion descriptions
canaanite_DESC;The Canaanite religion venerates a number of Gods and their aspects, in a polytheistic manner. Baal is regarded as the chief deity in a complex hierarchy of lesser gods, which were often worshiped at shrines found on mountains or hilltops.;La religion cananéenne vénère un certain nombre de dieux et leurs divers aspects, de façon polythéiste. Ba'l est considéré comme le principal dieu au sein d'une hiérarchie complexe de divinités mineures, très souvent vénérées dans des sanctuaires situés au sommet des montagnes et des collines.;Kanaanische;;Canaanita;;;;;;;;;x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ nuragic_DESC;Nuragic is a belief that stretches back to the Bronze Age of Corsic
bamar_pagan_DESC;Nats are spirits worshipped by the peoples who live along the Irrawaddy River, whom were influenced by Buddhist and Hindu personalities. Nats take the form of saints, people who have died violently, and village guardians.;Natic;Natische;;Natic;;;;;;;;;x
hurrian_DESC;The Hurrians worshiped a great number of gods derived from various different cultures of the Near East. The main gods in the Hurrian pantheon were Teshub, the mighty weather god, and his wife Hebat, the mother goddess. A special class of figures venerated by the Hurrians were so-called Sarrena, deified kings and heroes.;Les Hourrites adoraient un grand nombre de dieux issus de diverses cultures du Proche-Orient. Les principaux dieux du panthéon hourrite étaient Teshub, le puissant dieu du temps, et son épouse Hébat, la déesse mère. Une classe spéciale de personnages vénérés par les Hourrites était celle appelée Sarrena, des rois et des héros déifiés.;Die Hurriter verehrten eine große Anzahl von Göttern, die aus verschiedenen Kulturen des Nahen Ostens stammten. Die Hauptgötter im hurritischen Pantheon waren Teshub, der mächtige Wettergott, und seine Frau Hebat, die Muttergöttin. Eine besondere Klasse von Figuren, die von den Hurritern verehrt wurden, waren die sogenannten Sarrena, vergöttlichte Könige und Helden.;;Los hurritas adoraban a un gran número de dioses derivados de diversas culturas del Cercano Oriente. Los principales dioses del panteón hurrita eran Teshub, el poderoso dios del tiempo, y su esposa Hebat, la diosa madre. Una clase especial de figuras veneradas por los hurritas eran las llamadas Sarrena, reyes y héroes deificados.;;;;;;;;;x
atenism_DESC;Founded by Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten in the 14th century BC, Atenism was an ancient monotheistic religion that centered on worship of the sun-god Aten, which for a time supplanted the traditional Kemetic pantheon in Egypt. The Pharaoh, as the son of Aten, served as his living representative on Earth with no other priestly intermediaries. After Akhenaten's death, however, the old gods were restored and successive Pharaohs purged Akhenaten and his religion from history.;Fondé par le pharaon égyptien Akhénaton au 14ème siècle avant JC, l'aténisme était une ancienne religion monothéiste centrée sur le culte du dieu solaire Aton, qui a pendant un temps supplanté le panthéon kémétique traditionnel en Égypte. Le Pharaon, en tant que fils Aton, lui servait de représentant vivant sur Terre sans aucun autre intermédiaire sacerdotal. Cependant, après la mort d'Akhenaton, les anciens dieux furent restaurés et les pharaons successifs purgèrent Akhenaton et sa religion de l'histoire.;Der Atenismus wurde im 14. Jahrhundert v. Chr. vom ägyptischen Pharao Echnaton gegründet und war eine alte monotheistische Religion, die sich auf die Verehrung des Sonnengottes Aten konzentrierte und eine Zeit lang das traditionelle kemetische Pantheon in Ägypten verdrängte. Der Pharao diente als Sohn Aton als sein lebender Vertreter auf der Erde, ohne andere priesterliche Mittler. Nach Echnatons Tod wurden jedoch die alten Götter wiederhergestellt und aufeinanderfolgende Pharaonen tilgten Echnaton und seine Religion aus der Geschichte.;;Fundado por el faraón egipcio Akenatón en el siglo XIV a. C., el atenismo era una antigua religión monoteísta que se centraba en la adoración del dios sol Atón, que durante un tiempo suplantó al tradicional panteón kemético en Egipto. El faraón, como hijo Atón, sirvió como su representante vivo en la Tierra sin otros intermediarios sacerdotales. Sin embargo, después de la muerte de Akenatón, los antiguos dioses fueron restaurados y los sucesivos faraones purgaron a Akenatón y su religión de la historia.;;;;;;;;;x
hattian_DESC;A truly ancient faith, elements of the Hattian religion originated thousands of years ago during the stone age. The Hatti faithful are in tune with the natural cycles of the seasons and the Earth itself: Offerings and libations are prepared and served to the Mother Goddess in order to keep the fields fertile and to prevent celestial calamities from overwhelming the land.;La religion hattienne est une religion très ancienne, dont les éléments sont apparus il y a des milliers d'années, à l'âge de pierre. Les fidèles hattiens sont en phase avec les cycles naturels des saisons et de la Terre elle-même : des offrandes et des libations sont préparées et servies à la Déesse Mère afin de maintenir la fertilité des champs et d'empêcher les calamités célestes de submerger la terre.;Elemente der hattischen Religion sind ein wahrhaft alter Glaube, der vor Tausenden von Jahren in der Steinzeit entstand. Die gläubigen Hatti sind im Einklang mit den natürlichen Zyklen der Jahreszeiten und der Erde selbst: Opfergaben und Trankopfer werden zubereitet und der Muttergöttin dargeboten, um die Felder fruchtbar zu halten und zu verhindern, dass himmlische Katastrophen das Land überwältigen.;;La religión Hatti es una religión verdaderamente antigua, cuyos elementos se originaron hace miles de años durante la Edad de Piedra. Los fieles Hatti están en sintonía con los ciclos naturales de las estaciones y la Tierra misma: preparan y sirven ofrendas y libaciones a la Diosa Madre para mantener los campos fértiles y evitar que las calamidades celestiales abrumen la tierra.;;;;;;;;;x

#reformed religion descriptions
canaanite_reformed_DESC;The Canaanite religion venerates a number of Gods and their aspects, in a polytheistic manner. Baal is regarded as the chief deity in a complex hierarchy of lesser gods, which were often worshiped at shrines found on mountains or hilltops.;La religion cananéenne vénère un certain nombre de dieux et leurs divers aspects, de façon polythéiste. Ba'l est considéré comme le principal dieu au sein d'une hiérarchie complexe de divinités mineures, très souvent vénérées dans des sanctuaires situés au sommet des montagnes et des collines.;Kanaanische;;Canaanita;;;;;;;;;x
Expand All @@ -96,6 +99,7 @@ voxite_reformed_DESC;Combining the beliefs from the people of the river Vakhsh (
nuragic_reformed_DESC;Nuragic is a belief that stretches back to the Bronze Age of Corsica and Sardinia. Filled with cults of animals and wells, most central to Nuragic belief is the Henotheistic belief in a Father God known by many names, including Sardo, Sid Addir, and more.;Nuragic;Nuragische;;Nuragic;;;;;;;;;x
bamar_pagan_reformed_DESC;Nats are spirits worshipped by the peoples who live along the Irrawaddy River, whom were influenced by Buddhist and Hindu personalities. Nats take the form of saints, people who have died violently, and village guardians.;Natic;Natische;;Natic;;;;;;;;;x
hurrian_reformed_DESC;The Hurrians worshiped a great number of gods derived from various different cultures of the Near East. The main gods in the Hurrian pantheon were Teshub, the mighty weather god, and his wife Hebat, the mother goddess. A special class of figures venerated by the Hurrians were so-called Sarrena, deified kings and heroes.;Les Hourrites adoraient un grand nombre de dieux issus de diverses cultures du Proche-Orient. Les principaux dieux du panthéon hourrite étaient Teshub, le puissant dieu du temps, et son épouse Hébat, la déesse mère. Une classe spéciale de personnages vénérés par les Hourrites était celle appelée Sarrena, des rois et des héros déifiés.;Die Hurriter verehrten eine große Anzahl von Göttern, die aus verschiedenen Kulturen des Nahen Ostens stammten. Die Hauptgötter im hurritischen Pantheon waren Teshub, der mächtige Wettergott, und seine Frau Hebat, die Muttergöttin. Eine besondere Klasse von Figuren, die von den Hurritern verehrt wurden, waren die sogenannten Sarrena, vergöttlichte Könige und Helden.;;Los hurritas adoraban a un gran número de dioses derivados de diversas culturas del Cercano Oriente. Los principales dioses del panteón hurrita eran Teshub, el poderoso dios del tiempo, y su esposa Hebat, la diosa madre. Una clase especial de figuras veneradas por los hurritas eran las llamadas Sarrena, reyes y héroes deificados.;;;;;;;;;x
hattian_reformed_DESC;A truly ancient faith, elements of the Hattian religion originated thousands of years ago during the stone age. The Hatti faithful are in tune with the natural cycles of the seasons and the Earth itself: Offerings and libations are prepared and served to the Mother Goddess in order to keep the fields fertile and to prevent celestial calamities from overwhelming the land.;La religion hattienne est une religion très ancienne, dont les éléments sont apparus il y a des milliers d'années, à l'âge de pierre. Les fidèles hattiens sont en phase avec les cycles naturels des saisons et de la Terre elle-même : des offrandes et des libations sont préparées et servies à la Déesse Mère afin de maintenir la fertilité des champs et d'empêcher les calamités célestes de submerger la terre.;Elemente der hattischen Religion sind ein wahrhaft alter Glaube, der vor Tausenden von Jahren in der Steinzeit entstand. Die gläubigen Hatti sind im Einklang mit den natürlichen Zyklen der Jahreszeiten und der Erde selbst: Opfergaben und Trankopfer werden zubereitet und der Muttergöttin dargeboten, um die Felder fruchtbar zu halten und zu verhindern, dass himmlische Katastrophen das Land überwältigen.;;La religión Hatti es una religión verdaderamente antigua, cuyos elementos se originaron hace miles de años durante la Edad de Piedra. Los fieles Hatti están en sintonía con los ciclos naturales de las estaciones y la Tierra misma: preparan y sirven ofrendas y libaciones a la Diosa Madre para mantener los campos fértiles y evitar que las calamidades celestiales abrumen la tierra.;;;;;;;;;x

#religion groups
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ endouellicus;Endouellicus;Endouellicus;Endouellicus;;Endouellicus;;;;;;;;;x
iberian_dark_one;The Dark One;l'Obscur;Der Dunklegott;;El Oscuro;;;;;;;;;x

#Zalmoxian details
zalmoxian_scripture;The Teachings of Zalmoxis;Les enseignements de Zalmoxis;Die Lehren von Zalmoxis;;Las enseñanzas de Zalmoxis;;;;;;;;;x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,6 +273,9 @@ lamashtu;Lamashtu;Lamashtu;Lamashtu;;Lamashtu;;;;;;;;;x
#Hurrian details
hurrian_scripture;The Kumarbi Cycle;Le cycle Kumarbi;Der Kumarbi-Zyklus;;El ciclo de Kumarbi;;;;;;;;;x

#Hattian details
hattian_scripture;The Four Seasons;Les quatre saisons;Die vier Jahreszeiten;;Las cuatro estaciones;;;;;;;;;x

HEAD_DRUID_PRIEST;High Druid;High Druid;Hochdruid;;High Druid;;;;;;;;;x
HEAD_DRUID_PRIESTESS;High Druidess;High Druidess;Hochdruid;;High Druidess;;;;;;;;;x
Expand All @@ -289,7 +296,7 @@ d_nuragic_reformed;The Wellkeepers;The Wellkeepers;The Wellkeepers;;The Wellkeep

d_nuragic_reformed;The Qaalluu;The Qaalluu;The Qaalluu;;The Qaalluu;;;;;;;;;x
d_waaqi_reformed;The Qaalluu;The Qaalluu;The Qaalluu;;The Qaalluu;;;;;;;;;x

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,6 +350,13 @@ HEAD_HURRIAN_PRIEST;Shankunni;Shankunni;Shankunni;;Shankunni;;;;;;;;;x
d_hurrian_reformed;The Songwriters;Les auteurs-compositeurs;Die Liedschreiber;;Los compositores;;;;;;;;;x

#Hattian word for big priest
#Hattian word for priest
d_hattian_reformed;Cult of the Mother-Goddess;Culte de la Déesse-Mère;Kult der Muttergöttin;;Culto a la Diosa Madre;;;;;;;;;x

# Below is WtWSMS
###### nicene/chalcedonian;;;;;;;;;;;;x
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