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Paris est Ludique!'s Intranet

This project host the source code for Force Orange, the intranet used by the volunteers of the french assocication Paris est Ludique! It is built from the boilerplate React Cool Starter, on top of React, Redux, React Router, Express, Yarn, webpack and Babel.

Illustration of the website



This project is open to contribution, but you will likely need to be in touch with us in order to collaborate efficiently. Contact Paris Est Ludique via our official Website then join the Discord. You will need to get:



Using a terminal:

# Clone this repository on your computer
git clone
cd intranet

# Install dependencies using YARN
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
brew install corepack # If not included in your npm
corepack enable

# Include the database
mv ~/Downloads/database-sample.json ./access/dbToLoad.json

# Start your local server
yarn dev  # Build, hosts, and hot reload saved modifications

Now the app should be serving at http://localhost:3000.

Using Docker

docker build . -t force-orange docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -t force-orange


This repository comes with build-ins commands to run while developping.

yarn … Description
dev Runs your app on the development server at localhost:3000. HMR will be enabled.
dev:build Bundles server-side files in development mode and put it to the ./public/server.
start Runs your app on the production server only at localhost:8088.
build Bundles both server-side and client-side files.
build:server Bundles server-side files in production mode and put it to the ./public/server.
build:client Bundles client-side files in production mode and put it to the ./public/assets.
analyze:server Visualizes the bundle content of server-side.
analyze:client Visualizes the bundle content of client-side.
lint Lints all .tsx?, .jsx? and .scss files.
lint:code Lints all .tsx? and .jsx? files (With --fix to auto fix eslint errors).
lint:type Runs type checking for .tsx? files.
lint:style Lints all .scss files (With --fix to auto fix stylelint errors).
lint:format Formats all files except the file list of .prettierignore.
test Runs testing.
test:watch Runs an interactive test watcher.
test:cov Runs testing with code coverage reports.
test:update Updates jest snapshot.

Contribution rules

We stick to the GitHub Flow workflow

  • Commiting to the main branch is forbidden. Make use of topic branches to change code.
  • PR names should follow the Conventional Commit (fix(#x), feat(#y), refactor(#z), …)
  • PR should relate to an issue on our Issue Tracker, either our Trello board or this project one.
  • You can fork the repository on your space and PR from there, but this is not mandatory.

App Structure

Here is the structure of the app, which serves as generally accepted guidelines and patterns for building scalable apps.

├── public                        # Express server static path and Webpack bundles output
│   ├── favicon.ico               # App favicon
│   ├── logo192.png               # App logo small
│   ├── logo512.png               # App logo large
│   └── manifest.json             # App favicon and logo manifest
├── src                           # App source code
│   ├── config                    # App configuration by environments
│   │   ├── default.ts            # Default settings
│   │   ├── index.ts              # Configuration entry point
│   │   └── prod.ts               # Production settings (overrides the default)
│   ├── components                # Reusable components
│   ├── pages                     # Page components
│   ├── app                       # App root component
│   ├── store                     # Redux store creator, actions + reducers (a.k.a slice)
│   ├── services                  # API calls
│   ├── utils                     # App-wide utils (e.g. mock store creator for testing etc.)
│   ├── static                    # Static assets (e.g. images, fonts etc.)
│   ├── theme                     # App-wide style and vendor CSS framework
│   ├── types                     # App-wide type definitions
│   ├── client                    # App bootstrap and rendering (Webpack entry)
│   ├── routes                    # Routes configuration for both client-side and server-side
│   └── server                    # Express server (with Webpack dev and hot middlewares)
├── webpack                       # Webpack configurations
├── jest                          # Jest configurations
├── babel.config.js               # Babel configuration
├── tsconfig.json                 # TypeScript configuration
├── postcss.config.js             # PostCSS configuration
├── .eslintrc.js                  # ESLint configuration
├── .stylelintrc.js               # stylelint configuration
└── nodemon.json                  # nodemon configuration

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):


💻 📖 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Intranet for the association Paris est Ludique



Code of conduct

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