Releases: ParisMolver/arduino-dashio-PIO
Releases · ParisMolver/arduino-dashio-PIO
Added 'advertise' and 'isConnected' functions to DashioBLE
void DashioBLE::advertise(){pAdvertising->start();}
bool DashioBLE::isConnected(){if (pServer->getConnectedCount() > 0) {return true;} else {return false;}}
Updated 30/08/22
0.0.3 Updated
arduino-dashio for PlatformIO and ESP32
include the following in your platformio.ini under an [env:] tag
lib_deps =
Differences from original;
- Moved files to src folder
- Removed BluefruitSPI, easiest solution to prevent 'fatal error: Adafruit_BLE.h: no such file'
Allows for automatic downloading in PIO