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Generates vulkan 1.3.238, Vulkan Video 1.0 Extensions Hotfix
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- changed version check for 64 bit pointers
- changed handle name from _Handle to _T, to align with C define
- minor but safer code change and spellcheck
- .gitignore
  • Loading branch information
ParticlePeter committed Apr 18, 2023
1 parent 4c04030 commit ba03fbe
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Showing 4 changed files with 27 additions and 25 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
test_file = None

# print contents of an elem (sub)tree to file, to examine its contenet
# print contents of an elem (sub)tree to file, to examine its content
def printTree( self, elem ):

# test if an element has children: if elem:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def __init__( self, errFile = sys.stderr, warnFile = sys.stderr, diagFile = sys.
self.platform_extension_protection = dict()
self.platform_name_protection = dict()

self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags = dict() # record occurence of VkSomeFlags or VkSomeFlagBits for pairing
self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags = dict() # record occurrence of VkSomeFlags or VkSomeFlagBits for pairing

# start processing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,14 +184,14 @@ def endFile( self ):

# --------------------------------- #
# write types.d and vk_viedo.d file #
# write types.d and vk_video.d file #
# --------------------------------- #

# helper function to join function sections into format substitutions
def typesSection():
result = ''

# some of the sections need formating before being merged into one code block
# some of the sections need formatting before being merged into one code block
# in these cases the substitute parameter will contain the corresponding term
for feature in self.feature_order:
feature_section = self.feature_content[ feature ][ 'Type_Definitions' ]
Expand All @@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ def typesSection():

# vulkan-docs-v1.3.238 introduced a second xml file (video.xml)
# both xml files get parsed, the current file is stored in the generator options
# video.xml contains only type definitions, hence we can exit after types hevae been written out
# additional xml; files will probably need a more sofisticated approach
# video.xml contains only type definitions, hence we can exit after types have been written out
# additional xml; files will probably need a more sophisticated approach
if self.genOpts.current_xml != 'vk':
if print_debug:
write( self.tests_file_content, file = tests_file )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,14 +288,14 @@ def functionSection( section, indent, Instance_or_Device = '' ):
result = ''
joiner = '\n' + indent

# some of the sections need formating before being merged into one code block
# some of the sections need formatting before being merged into one code block
# in these cases the substitute parameter will contain the corresponding term
for feature in self.feature_order:
feature_section = self.feature_content[ feature ][ section ]
if feature_section:
result += '\n{0}// {1}\n{0}{2}\n'.format( indent, feature, joiner.join( feature_section ))

# some of the sections need formating before being merged into one code block
# some of the sections need formatting before being merged into one code block
# in these cases the substitute parameter will contain the corresponding term
if Instance_or_Device:
result = result.format( INSTANCE_OR_DEVICE = Instance_or_Device, instance_or_device = Instance_or_Device.lower())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ def functionSection( section, indent, Instance_or_Device = '' ):
# write platform_extensions.d file #
# -------------------------------- #

# helper function to construct AliasSequnces of extension enums
# helper function to construct AliasSequences of extension enums
def platformProtectionAlias():
if self.platform_protection_order:
max_protect_len = len( max( self.platform_protection_order, key = lambda p: len( p )))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ def platformExtensionSection( sections, indent = '', comment = '', Instance_or_D
else_prefix = 'else '

# some of the sections need formating before being merged into one code block
# some of the sections need formatting before being merged into one code block
# in these cases the substitute parameter will contain the corresponding term
if Instance_or_Device:
result = result.format( INSTANCE_OR_DEVICE = Instance_or_Device, instance_or_device = Instance_or_Device.lower())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ def genEnumsOrFlags( self, group_name, group_elem, type_alias = None ):
max_global_len = align( 5 + max_global_len, 2 * len( self.indent )) # len( 'enum ' ) = 5, len( '_BEGIN_RANGE' ) = 12
max_scoped_len = max_global_len # global enums are one char longer than scoped enums, hence + 1

# some enums elements have been renamed, the old names are aliased with new neames
# and the elements added to the end of the enum elemet lists
# some enums elements have been renamed, the old names are aliased with new names
# and the elements added to the end of the enum element lists
scoped_alias = []
global_alias = []

Expand All @@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ def genEnumsOrFlags( self, group_name, group_elem, type_alias = None ):

for elem in enums:

# Extension enumerants are only included if they are required
# Extension enumerates are only included if they are required
if self.isEnumRequired( elem ):
# Convert the value to an integer and use that to track min/max.
# Values of form -( number ) are accepted but nothing more complex.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -713,15 +713,15 @@ def genType( self, typeinfo, name, alias ):
# extract header version, e.g.: enum VK_HEADER_VERSION = 238;
# the elem.text begins with a comment, which we would like to keep, followed by #define on the next line, which we get rid of
if name == 'VK_HEADER_VERSION':
self.appendSection( 'define', '\n{0} (corresponding c header)\nenum {1} ={2};\n'.format( elem.text.splitlines()[0], name, elem[ 0 ].tail ))
name_child = elem.find( 'name' )
self.appendSection( 'define', '\n{0} (corresponding c header)\nenum {1} = {2};\n'.format( elem.text.splitlines()[0], name, name_child.tail.strip() ))

# extract header version complete: enum VK_HEADER_VERSION_COMPLETE = VK_MAKE_API_VERSION( 0, 1, 2, VK_HEADER_VERSION )
# the elem.text begins with a comment, which we would like to keep, followed by #define on the next line, which we get rid of
type_child = elem.find( 'type' )
self.appendSection( 'define', '{0} (corresponding c header)\nenum {1} = {2}( {3} );'.format( elem.text.splitlines()[0], name, type_child.text, type_child.tail[ 1 : -1 ] ))
#printTree( self, elem )

elif name == 'VK_MAKE_API_VERSION':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ def genType( self, typeinfo, name, alias ):
# alias VkFlags with ... Flags corresponding to ...FlagBits: enum VkFormatFeatureFlagBits {...}; alias VkFormatFeatureFlags = VkFlags;
elif category == 'bitmask':

# print fileds of an object, object must have __dict__ attribute
# print fields of an object, object must have __dict__ attribute
#fields = vars( typeinfo )
#self.tests_file_content += '\nTypeinfo:\n '
#self.tests_file_content += '\n '.join( '{0} : {1}'.format( k, v ) for k, v in fields.items() )
Expand All @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ def genType( self, typeinfo, name, alias ):
# if FlagBits were captured previously we create the Flags and FlagBits pair now
self.genEnumsOrFlags( group_name, self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags[ group_name ], elem )
# else we record this Flags data for defered use
# else we record this Flags data for deferred use
self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags[ group_name ] = elem
# old behavior still required at some places
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ def genStruct( self, typeinfo, name, alias ):
self.appendSection( 'struct', '{0}mixin( bitfields!('.format( self.indent ))
#for ( t, n, b, c ) in type_name: # t(ype), n(ame), b(itfield), c(omment)
# self.appendSection( 'struct', '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4},'.format( 2 * self.indent, t.ljust( member_type_length - len( self.indent )), n.ljust( member_name_length ), b)) #, c ))
for ( t, n, b ) in type_name: # t(ype), n(ame), b(itfield)
for ( t, n, b ) in type_name: # t(ype), n(ame), b(itfield)
self.appendSection( 'struct', '{0}{1}{2}{3},'.format( 2 * self.indent, t.ljust( member_type_length - len( self.indent )), n.ljust( member_name_length ), b)) #, c ))
#if c: self.tests_file_content += '{0}{1}{2}{3}{4},'.format( 2 * self.indent, t.ljust( member_type_length - len( self.indent )), n.ljust( member_name_length ), b, c )
self.appendSection( 'struct', '{0}));'.format( self.indent ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ def genGroup( self, group_info, group_name, alias ):
self.genEnumsOrFlags( group_name, group_elem, self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags[ group_name ] )

# else we record this FlagBits data for defered use
# else we record this FlagBits data for deferred use
self.bitmask_flag_bits_flags[ group_name ] = group_elem

Expand All @@ -1026,7 +1026,7 @@ def genEnum( self, enuminfo, name, alias ):
elif enum_str == '(~0ULL)':
enum_str = '(~0UL)'

# enum extension name pointers must be explicitely typed to const( char )*
# enum extension name pointers must be explicitly typed to const( char )*
# otherwise they are interpreted as d strings
if name.endswith( '_NAME' ):
self.appendSection( 'enum', 'enum const( char )* {0} = {1};'.format( name, enum_str ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ def genCmd( self, cmdinfo, name, alias ):
else: do_return = 'return '

# helper to catch and replace parameter names which are DLnag keywords (currently only version)
# helper to catch and replace parameter names which are DLang keywords (currently only version)
def replaceKeyword( name ):
if name == 'version': return 'Version'
elif name == 'module' : return 'Module'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ def replaceKeyword( name ):

# construct loader for instance level functions
# vkGetDeviceProcAddr is an exception as it is an instance level function with para_0_type == 'VkDevvice'
# vkGetDeviceProcAddr is an exception as it is an instance level function with para_0_type == 'VkDevice'
elif param_0_type in ( 'VkPhysicalDevice', 'VkInstance' ) or name == 'vkGetDeviceProcAddr':
self.feature_content[ self.featureName ][ 'Load_I_Funcs' ].append(
( '{0}{{LJUST_NAME}} = cast( PFN_{0}{{LJUST_NAME}} ) vkGetInstanceProcAddr( instance, "{0}" );'.format( name ), name_len ) )
Expand All @@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ def replaceKeyword( name ):
# for convenience functions we remove the first parameter if it is a VkDevice or VkCommandBuffer
# additionally we remove the const( VkAllocationCallbacks )* pAllocator parameter
# arguments are just the parameter names without their types, they will be used with the vk... member functions
# VkDevice and VkAllocationCallbacks are both supplied by the DispatchDeveice
# VkDevice and VkAllocationCallbacks are both supplied by the DispatchDevice
joined_args = ''
if len( params[1:] ):
joined_args = ', ' + ', '.join( replaceKeyword( param.find( 'name' ).text ) for param in params[1:] )
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions templates/dlang/
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Expand Up @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
enum VK_NULL_HANDLE = null;
enum VK_DEFINE_HANDLE( string name ) = "struct " ~ name ~ "_handle; alias " ~ name ~ " = " ~ name ~ "_handle*;";
enum VK_DEFINE_HANDLE( string name ) = "struct " ~ name ~ "_T; alias " ~ name ~ " = " ~ name ~ "_T*;";
version( X86_64 ) {{
version( D_LP64 ) {{
enum VK_NULL_ND_HANDLE = null;
}} else {{
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File renamed without changes.

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