Generative AI is challenging the way identity can be authenticated on the internet. Simultaneously, advances in quantum computing are forcing us to deeply examine the cryptographic assumptions we build upon since RSA and ECC are not long term solutions anymore.
Our solution is meant as a bedrock for identity. It is built with established quantum secure crypto to be future proof to the technological advances of this century. We have combined blockchain and Lamport keys to build a tool that acts both as an authentication protocol and as public key infrastructure.
Users register an account by interacting with a factory contract and submitting their initial Lamport key hashes. This process creates a new contract users will interact with and use to identify themselves. The address of this contract will be needed by anyone who wants to verify the user's messages. Users can add more keys to their account at any time by submitting a list of new keys signed with one of their existing keys.
An ECDSA account is required only to submit transactions and pay fees.
Create a .env file in the root of this directory. Add the following:
- ECDSA_SECRET='A Funded Private Key'
- CONFIRMATION_TARGET='Target Number Of Confirmations'
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Build The Project:
npm run build
node lib/Main.js create-account <blockchain> <initial key count> <account name>
- Currently supported blockchains:
Mumbai (testnet)
, andMilkomeda
- The initial key count should be between 50 and 300 though values outside of this range may work
- The account name is used to identify this account locally. It is not visable to other users
node lib/Main.js sign-message <message>
node lib/Main.js add-keys <number of keys>
node lib/Main.js select-account <account name>
- This will set the account to be used for future commands until changed again
- Please note that creating a new account will automatically select it
node lib/Main.js list-accounts
node lib/Main.js verify-message <message> <address> <blockchain>
- Messages can also be verified using the web interface at
Don't send tokens to your LambBedrock account. The account is not a wallet and you will not be able to recover funds sent to it.
- Don't run out of keys. You can always find your current key count by calling
on your account - Don't let your key count get to low. If you had only 1 key left and you planned to use it to post more keys you would have to be extremely careful. If your transaction failed or was never picked up you would have to consider that key unsafe to use. You may be able to resubmit the same transaction in some, but not all, cases. If resubmitting the transaction is not a safe option, the account should be considered unsafe to use
Account creation is free aside from transaction fees. Pauli Group takes a fee upon posting new Lamport Keys to your contract. This fee is independent of the number of keys being posted and there is no explicit limitation on the number of keys which can be posted at once. There is no fee incured for posting the initial keys at the time of account creation.
- Encrypt the account files with a password
- AES should be fine for this purpose. AES is also quantum secure.
- Password should be a seperate prompt, not a command line argument or env variable. This will keep it out of the CLI history.
- We will have to hide the characters as they are typed
- Allow the user to override the RPC endpoint for a blockchain using the .env file
- Make sure every pkh listend in KeyTrackerB.expendedKeys is marked as
on the contract
- Include the message and the transaction hash
- Allow the user to create a set of backup keys which are kept separate from the main set of keys on another device
- We may want to encrypt these backup keys just to avoid stupid mistakes