- Node (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- A funded EOA to pay gas fees
- clone this repo
- run
npm i
to install the dependencies - run
npx tsc
to build - run
npm start <command name> <arguments>
to interact with the contracts
npm start new <gas paying EOA private key> <chain name>
npm start view <path to wallet file>
npm start sendeth <path to wallet file> <recipient address> <amount to send in wei>
npm start setrecovery <path to wallet file>
npm start recover <path to wallet file>
npm start execute <path to wallet file> <address of contract to call> <signature of function to call> <json file describing contract> <arguments to pass to function call>
npm start transfernft <path to wallet file> <NFT contract address> <token id> <recipient address>
npm start transfer <path to wallet file> <address of token contract> <amount to send>
npm start addcurrency <path to wallet file> <address of token contract>
npm start addnft <path to wallet file> <address of token contract>
npm start addfriend <path to wallet file> <alias> <address>
npm start viewnfts <path to wallet file> <NFT contract address>
npm start setgaseoa <path to wallet file> <gas paying private key>
npm start ecdsasign <path to wallet file> <message to sign>