Technology stack:
-PHP Version 7.4.27
-Laravel Framework 8.65.0
- Main page
- Vacancies page
- Candidates page
- Administration feedback form
- Portal feedback form
- Personal area
- lists of vacancies and resumes of candidates, categories of vacancies, companies
- filter by vacancies, candidates
- registration indicating the type of account (candidate, company)
- authorization
- page navigation
- forms
- personal account of the company and the candidate
- opportunity to leave responses to vacancies (candidate)
- possibility to confirm or reject the candidate's (company's) response
- ability to create and delete vacancies in your account (company)
- ability to edit personal information and change the logo
- email alerts to email addresses of candidates and companies
- queues
- caching
- scheduled tasks
- custom admin panel
- clone the project: git clone
- install external assets: composer install; npm install
- copy file .env.example to .env in root folder: copy .env.example .env
- open the .env file and set the connection to the project database, the name of the application and the url address APP_URL
- generate Application key: php artisan key:generate
- create cache folder tree: mkdir storage; mkdir storage/framework/; mkdir storage/logs; mkdir storage/app; mkdir storage/framework/{cache,sessions,views}; mkdir storage/framework/cache/data;
- create tables in database: php artisan migrate
- seeding demo data: php artisan db:seed --class=DemoDataSeeder
Admin credentials:
login: [email protected]
password: A1P2vK
Registered demo users (candidates, companies):
login: user`s email
password: almaz