This module allows customers to optionally enter the identification number (DNI, NIF, NIE, IČO ...) in their addresses.
Field identification number is required to activate in the setting Localization -> Countries. Activate the option 'Do you need a tax identification number?' and add field 'dni' to the address format.
This module only ensures that the field is not mandatory.
Asterisk next to the field is removed using CSS. It may be necessary to fine-tune the appearance of your graphic theme.
PrestaShop from to
PHP 5.3.3+ (lower versions are not tested)
Download release ZIP archive with latest version.
Use standard installation way as described in PrestaShop How-To.
This module is free under license Open Software License v. 3.0 (OSL-3.0).
Author: Pavel Strejček,, 2016-2019