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A Demo App to show how to use native PaymobSDKs in your flutter project


Dart Section

Create a new class for Saved Cards if you plan on saving cards used in Cards Payment Integrations and add the following code in it

enum CardType{OmanNet, JCB, Meeza, Maestro, Amex, Visa, MasterCard}

class SavedBankCard {
  final String token;
  final String maskedPanNumber;
  final String cardType;

  SavedBankCard({required this.token, required this.maskedPanNumber, required this.cardType});

  // Convert the custom CardType class to a Map (which can be serialized to JSON)
  Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
    return {
      'token': token,
      'maskedPanNumber': maskedPanNumber,
      'cardType': cardType,

Redirect into you dart file.
import the following dependency.

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';

Then add the following code to the same file.

This is the function that you will call in your dart file when you need to call the sdk.

You need to pass the public and client secret keys to this function, These two parameters are required.
The other Parameters are optional.

    static const methodChannel = MethodChannel('paymob_sdk_flutter');

  // Method to call native PaymobSDKs
  Future<void> _payWithPaymob(
      String pk,
      String csk,
      { SavedBankCard? savedCard,
        String? appName,
        Color? buttonBackgroundColor,
        Color? buttonTextColor,
        bool? saveCardDefault,
        bool? showSaveCard} ) async {

    try {
      final String result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod('payWithPaymob', {
        "publicKey": pk,
        "clientSecret": csk,
        "savedBankCard": savedCard?.toMap(),
        "appName": appName,
        "buttonBackgroundColor": buttonBackgroundColor?.value,
        "buttonTextColor": buttonTextColor?.value,
        "saveCardDefault": saveCardDefault,
        "showSaveCard": showSaveCard
      print('Native result: $result');
      switch (result) {
        case 'Successfull':
          print('Transaction Successfull');
          // Do something for accepted
        case 'Rejected':
          print('Transaction Rejected');
          // Do something for rejected
        case 'Pending':
          print('Transaction Pending');
          // Do something for pending
          print('Unknown response');
      // Handle unknown response
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      print("Failed to call native SDK: '${e.message}'.");

The following are optional Parameters that are used to customize the SDK

// the extra UI Customization parameters are

//sets the header to be the name you want

//changes the color of the buttons throughout the SDK, the default is black

//changes the color of the buttons Texts throughout the SDK, the default is white

//set save card checkbox initial value

//set whether or not should show save card checkbox

IOS Section

Redirect into you IOS Folder.

Place the IOS native sdk in this folder
In the Settings of your project, scroll down to 'Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content', then add the xcframework file there.

Alt text

Then in you AppDelegate file.
Add the following import

import PaymobSDK

Then create a global variable

    var SDKResult: FlutterResult?

Then add the following code to handle receiving a call from the dart file

        let controller : FlutterViewController = window?.rootViewController as! FlutterViewController
        let nativeChannel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "paymob_sdk_flutter",
                                                 binaryMessenger: controller.binaryMessenger)
        nativeChannel.setMethodCallHandler { (call: FlutterMethodCall, result: @escaping FlutterResult) -> Void in
            if call.method == "payWithPaymob",
               let args = call.arguments as? [String: Any]{
                self.SDKResult = result
                self.callNativeSDK(arguments: args, VC: controller)
            } else {

Then add the following code to handle calling the native PaymobSDK

    // Function to call native PaymobSDK
      private func callNativeSDK(arguments: [String: Any], VC: FlutterViewController) {
          // Initialize Paymob SDK
          let paymob = PaymobSDK()
          var savedCards:[SavedBankCard] = []
          paymob.delegate = self
          //customize the SDK
          if let appName = arguments["appName"] as? String{
              paymob.paymobSDKCustomization.appName = appName
          if let buttonBackgroundColor = arguments["buttonBackgroundColor"] as? NSNumber{
              let colorInt = buttonBackgroundColor.intValue
              let alpha = CGFloat((colorInt >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let red = CGFloat((colorInt >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let green = CGFloat((colorInt >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let blue = CGFloat(colorInt & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let color = UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
              paymob.paymobSDKCustomization.buttonBackgroundColor = color
          if let buttonTextColor = arguments["buttonTextColor"] as? NSNumber{
              let colorInt = buttonTextColor.intValue
              let alpha = CGFloat((colorInt >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let red = CGFloat((colorInt >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let green = CGFloat((colorInt >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let blue = CGFloat(colorInt & 0xFF) / 255.0
              let color = UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
              paymob.paymobSDKCustomization.buttonTextColor = color
          if let saveCardDefault = arguments["saveCardDefault"] as? Bool{
              paymob.paymobSDKCustomization.saveCardDefault = saveCardDefault
          if let showSaveCard = arguments["showSaveCard"] as? Bool{
              paymob.paymobSDKCustomization.showSaveCard = showSaveCard
          if let savedCardData = arguments["savedBankCard"] as? [String: String],
             let token = savedCardData["token"],
             let maskedPanNumber = savedCardData["maskedPanNumber"],
             let cardType = savedCardData["cardType"] {

              // Now you can create a custom class in Swift
              let savedcard = SavedBankCard(token: token, maskedPanNumber: maskedPanNumber, cardType: CardType(rawValue: cardType) ?? CardType.Unknown)
          // Call Paymob SDK with publicKey and clientSecret
          if let publicKey = arguments["publicKey"] as? String,
             let clientSecret = arguments["clientSecret"] as? String{
                  try paymob.presentPayVC(VC: VC, PublicKey: publicKey, ClientSecret: clientSecret, SavedBankCards: savedCards)
              } catch let error {

Then add the following in the bottom to handle the result of the SDK

extension AppDelegate: PaymobSDKDelegate{
    public func transactionRejected() {
    public func transactionAccepted() {
    public func transactionPending() {

Android Section

Redirect into the android directory.

Then create a new directory there calles 'libs' and place the Android SDK there

Alt text

Inside the root android directory, open the build.gradle,
then add the following code inside

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = rootProject.projectDir.toURI().resolve("libs")
        maven {
            url = uri("")

should look like this Alt text

Then open the settings.gradle,
then add the following code

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = rootProject.projectDir.toURI().resolve("libs")
        maven {
            url = uri("")

should look like this Alt text

Inside the app directory, open the build.gradle file and add the following

dependencies {

android {
    buildFeatures { dataBinding = true }

should looke like this Alt text

Then in the MainActivity add the following:

import android.util.Log
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler
import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel.Result
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Toast

import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.PaymobSdk
import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.domain.model.CreditCard
import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.domain.model.SavedCard
import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.ui.PaymobSdkListener

class MainActivity: FlutterActivity(), MethodCallHandler, PaymobSdkListener {
    private val CHANNEL = "paymob_sdk_flutter"
    private var SDKResult: MethodChannel.Result? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        flutterEngine?.dartExecutor?.binaryMessenger?.let {
            MethodChannel(it, CHANNEL).setMethodCallHandler { call, result ->
                if (call.method == "payWithPaymob") {
                    SDKResult = result
                } else {

    // Function to call native PaymobSDK
    private fun callNativeSDK(call: MethodCall) {
        val arguments = call.arguments as? Map<String, Any>

        val publicKey = call.argument<String>("publicKey")
        val clientSecret = call.argument<String>("clientSecret")

        val savedBankCard = arguments?.get("savedBankCard") as? Map<String, Any>
        var savedCard: SavedCard? = null
        var buttonBackgroundColor: Int? = null
        var buttonTextColor: Int? = null

        val appName = call.argument<String>("appName")
        val buttonBackgroundColorData = call.argument<Number>("buttonBackgroundColor")?.toInt() ?: 0
        val buttonTextColorData = call.argument<Number>("buttonTextColor")?.toInt() ?: 0
        val saveCardDefault = call.argument<Boolean>("saveCardDefault") ?: false
        val showSaveCard = call.argument<Boolean>("showSaveCard") ?: true

        //get saved card data
        if (savedBankCard != null) {
            val maskedPan = savedBankCard["maskedPanNumber"] as? String ?: ""
            val token = savedBankCard["token"] as? String ?: ""
            val cardType = savedBankCard["cardType"] as? String ?: ""
            val creditCard = CreditCard.valueOf(cardType.uppercase())

            savedCard = SavedCard(maskedPan = "**** **** **** " + maskedPan, savedCardToken = token, creditCard = creditCard )

        if (buttonTextColorData != null){
            buttonTextColor = Color.argb(
                (buttonTextColorData shr 24) and 0xFF,  // Alpha
                (buttonTextColorData shr 16) and 0xFF,  // Red
                (buttonTextColorData shr 8) and 0xFF,   // Green
                buttonTextColorData and 0xFF            // Blue
        Log.d("color", buttonTextColor.toString())

        if (buttonBackgroundColorData != null){
            buttonBackgroundColor = Color.argb(
                (buttonBackgroundColorData shr 24) and 0xFF,  // Alpha
                (buttonBackgroundColorData shr 16) and 0xFF,  // Red
                (buttonBackgroundColorData shr 8) and 0xFF,   // Green
                buttonBackgroundColorData and 0xFF            // Blue
        val paymobsdk = PaymobSdk.Builder(
            context = this@MainActivity,
            clientSecret = clientSecret.toString(),
            publicKey = publicKey.toString(),
            paymobSdkListener = this,
            savedCard = savedCard//Optional Field if you have a saved card
        ).setButtonBackgroundColor(buttonBackgroundColor ?: Color.BLACK)
            .setButtonTextColor(buttonTextColor ?: Color.WHITE)
            .isAbleToSaveCard(showSaveCard ?: true)
            .isSavedCardCheckBoxCheckedByDefault(saveCardDefault ?: false)


    //PaymobSDK Return Values
    override fun onSuccess() {
        //If The Payment is Accepted

    override fun onFailure() {
        //If The Payment is declined
    override fun onPending() {
        //If The Payment is pending

     override fun onMethodCall(call: MethodCall, result: Result) {



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