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black canyon and great sand dunes
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Pecners committed Jun 5, 2024
1 parent 64a4d4e commit f573d09
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Showing 10 changed files with 603 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added R/portraits/black_canyon/header.rds
Binary file not shown.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions R/portraits/black_canyon/inset.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# inset map -- need to comment this code...
header <- readRDS("R/portraits/black_canyon/header.rds")

world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf")

coords <- header$coords

prj <- glue("+proj=ortho +lat_0={coords[2]} +lon_0={coords[1]} +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6375000 +b=6375000 +units=m +no_defs")

water <- st_sfc(st_point(c(0, 0)), crs = prj) %>%
st_buffer(., 6371000) %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326)

circle_coords <- st_coordinates(water)[, c(1,2)]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[order(circle_coords[, 1]),]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[!duplicated(circle_coords),]

rectangle <- list(rbind(circle_coords,
c(X = 180, circle_coords[nrow(circle_coords), 'Y']),
c(X = 180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, circle_coords[1, 'Y']),
circle_coords[1, c('X','Y')])) %>%
st_polygon() %>% st_sfc(crs = 4326)

rectangle %>%
geom_sf(data = world) +
geom_sf(color = "red", fill = alpha("red", .5))

w <- st_intersection(world, rectangle)
w %>%
ggplot() +

spot <- tibble(x = coords[1], y = coords[2]) |>
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)

colors <- header$colors
water_color <- colors[7]
text_color <- colors[1]

loc_plot <- ggplot(data = w) +
geom_sf(data = water, color = NA, fill = alpha("white", .75)) +
geom_sf(fill = "red", size = .1, color = "white") +
coord_sf(crs = prj) +

ggsave(loc_plot, filename = glue("images/{header$map}/{header$pal}_inset.png"), w = 4*1.5, h = 3*1.5)
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions R/portraits/black_canyon/markup.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Load packages and `add_main_annotations` function
for (f in list.files("R/utils")) {
source(paste0("R/utils/", f, collapse = ""))

# Load `header` list with needed data
header <- readRDS("R/portraits/black_canyon/header.rds")

# Take original graphic from `render_highquality` and
# add annotations.

add_main_annotations(map = header$map, pal = header$pal,
text_color = header$colors[1],
align = "center",
base_coords = c(.725, .1),
offset = 650,
main_text = "Capitol Reef",
main_size = 400,
main_font = "Tapestry",
secondary_text = "National Park",
secondary_size = 200,
secondary_font = "Tapestry",
caption_size = 80,
caption_font = "Tapestry",
caption_coords = c(.5, .97),
caption_align = "center",
twitter_icon_coords = c(-500, 100),
twitter_icon_size = 60,
data_source = "USGS and AWS Terrain Tiles",
original = header$outfile,
crop = NULL,
#crop_gravity = "north",
crop_start = NULL,
svg_file = NULL,
svg_coords = NULL,
svg_size = NULL,
inset = glue("images/{header$map}/{header$pal}_inset.png"),
inset_coords = c(.725, .3),
inset_size = 1000)
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions R/portraits/black_canyon/render_graphic.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@

# Set up polygon for clipping DEM #

# Set map name that will be used in file names, and
# to get get boundaries from master NPS list

map <- "black_canyon"

data <- st_read("data/nps_boundary/nps_boundary.shp") |>
filter(str_detect(PARKNAME, str_to_title(str_replace(map, "_", " "))))|>
st_transform(crs = 5070)

d_cent <- st_centroid(data) |>
st_transform(crs = 4326)
c <- d_cent |>
mutate(long = unlist(map(d_cent$geometry,1)),
lat = unlist(map(d_cent$geometry,2))) |>
coords <- c(c[[1,"long"]], c[[1, "lat"]])

# Example for using specific coordinates to create a geometry, here showing
# coords for the Eye of the Sahara

# data <- st_sfc(st_point(c(-11.401515762405115, 21.127630356438505)), crs = 4326) %>%
# st_transform(crs = 3081) %>%
# st_buffer(50000)

# Plot to review
data |>
ggplot() +

# Download DEM #

# Get DEM using `elevatr` package. Larger Z value (max is 14)
# results in greater resolution. Higher resolution takes more compute, though --
# I can't always max `z` up to 14 on my machine.

z <- 14
zelev <- get_elev_raster(data, z = z, clip = "location")
mat <- raster_to_matrix(zelev)

# When initially building your object to render, you'll want to work with
# slimmed down data so you can iterate faster. I prefer to just start with
# a `z` value of 10 above, but an alternative is to create a smaller matrix
# with rayshader::resize_matrix().

# small <- resize_matrix(mat, .25)

# Set up color palette. The `pal` argument will be used in file names,
# so it's important. `colors` will also be passed along.

pal <- "acadia"

c1 <- natparks.pals("Acadia")

colors <- c(c1)

# Calculate the aspect ratio of the plot so you can translate the dimensions

w <- nrow(mat)
h <- ncol(mat)

# Scale so longer side is 1

wr <- w / max(c(w,h))
hr <- h / max(c(w,h))

# Build 3D Object #

# setting shadow to 500 feet below minimum value in DEM
shadow_depth <- min(mat, na.rm = TRUE)

# setting resolution to about 5x for height
res <- mean(round(terra::res(zelev))) / 5

# Keep this line so as you're iterating you don't forget to close the
# previous window


# Create the initial 3D object

mat %>%
# This adds the coloring, we're passing in our `colors` object
texture = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)(256)
) %>%
plot_3d(heightmap = mat,
# This is my preference, I don't love the `solid` in most cases
solid = FALSE,
# You might need to hone this in depending on the data resolution;
# lower values exaggerate the height
z = res,
# Set the location of the shadow, i.e. where the floor is.
# This is on the same scale as your data, so call `zelev` to see the
# min/max, and set it however far below min as you like.
shadowdepth = shadow_depth,
# Set the window size relatively small with the dimensions of our data.
# Don't make this too big because it will just take longer to build,
# and we're going to resize with `render_highquality()` below.
windowsize = c(800,800),
# This is the azimuth, like the angle of the sun.
# 90 degrees is directly above, 0 degrees is a profile view.
phi = 90,
zoom = 1,
# `theta` is the rotations of the map. Keeping it at 0 will preserve
# the standard (i.e. north is up) orientation of a plot
theta = 0,
background = "white")

# Use this to adjust the view after building the window object
render_camera(phi = 80, zoom = 1, theta = 0)

# Create High Quality Graphic #

# You should only move on if you have the object set up
# as you want it, including colors, resolution, viewing position, etc.

# Ensure dir exists for these graphics
if (!dir.exists(glue("images/{map}"))) {

# Set up outfile where graphic will be saved.
# Note that I am not tracking the `images` directory, and this
# is because these files are big enough to make tracking them on
# GitHub difficult.
outfile <- str_to_lower(glue("images/{map}/{map}_{pal}_z{z}.png"))

# Now that everything is assigned, save these objects so we
# can use then in our markup script
map = map,
pal = pal,
z = z,
colors = colors,
outfile = outfile,
coords = coords
), glue("R/portraits/{map}/header.rds"))

# Test write a PNG to ensure the file path is good.
# You don't want `render_highquality()` to fail after it's
# taken hours to render.
if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
png::writePNG(matrix(1), outfile)
# I like to track when I start the render
start_time <- Sys.time()
cat(glue("Start Time: {start_time}"), "\n")
# We test-wrote to this file above, so we know it's good
# See rayrender::render_scene for more info, but best
# sample method ('sobol') works best with values over 256
samples = 450,
# Turn light off because we're using environment_light
light = TRUE,
# lightdirection = rev(c(95, 95, 85, 85)),
lightdirection = rev(c(145, 145, 205, 205)),
lightcolor = c(colors[6], "white", colors[6], "white"),
lightintensity = c(750, 75, 750, 75),
lightaltitude = c(15, 80, 15, 80),
# All it takes is accidentally interacting with a render that takes
# hours in total to decide you NEVER want it interactive
interactive = FALSE,
preview = FALSE,
# HDR lighting used to light the scene
environment_light = "assets/env/phalzer_forest_01_4k.hdr",
# environment_light = "assets/env/small_rural_road_4k.hdr",
# Adjust this value to brighten or darken lighting
intensity_env = .5,
# Rotate the light -- positive values move it counter-clockwise
rotate_env = -20,
# This effectively sets the resolution of the final graphic,
# because you increase the number of pixels here.
# width = round(6000 * wr), height = round(6000 * hr),
ground_material = rayrender::diffuse(color = colors[1], noisecolor = colors[3]),
width = 8000, height = 8000
end_time <- Sys.time()
cat(glue("Total time: {end_time - start_time}"))

Binary file added R/portraits/great_sand_dunes/header.rds
Binary file not shown.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions R/portraits/great_sand_dunes/inset.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# inset map -- need to comment this code...
header <- readRDS("R/portraits/great_sand_dunes/header.rds")

world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sf")

coords <- header$coords

prj <- glue("+proj=ortho +lat_0={coords[2]} +lon_0={coords[1]} +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6375000 +b=6375000 +units=m +no_defs")

water <- st_sfc(st_point(c(0, 0)), crs = prj) %>%
st_buffer(., 6371000) %>%
st_transform(crs = 4326)

circle_coords <- st_coordinates(water)[, c(1,2)]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[order(circle_coords[, 1]),]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[!duplicated(circle_coords),]

rectangle <- list(rbind(circle_coords,
c(X = 180, circle_coords[nrow(circle_coords), 'Y']),
c(X = 180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, circle_coords[1, 'Y']),
circle_coords[1, c('X','Y')])) %>%
st_polygon() %>% st_sfc(crs = 4326)

rectangle %>%
geom_sf(data = world) +
geom_sf(color = "red", fill = alpha("red", .5))

w <- st_intersection(world, rectangle)
w %>%
ggplot() +

spot <- tibble(x = coords[1], y = coords[2]) |>
st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)

colors <- header$colors
water_color <- colors[7]
text_color <- colors[1]

loc_plot <- ggplot(data = w) +
geom_sf(data = water, color = NA, fill = alpha("white", .75)) +
geom_sf(fill = "red", size = .1, color = "white") +
coord_sf(crs = prj) +

ggsave(loc_plot, filename = glue("images/{header$map}/{header$pal}_inset.png"), w = 4*1.5, h = 3*1.5)
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions R/portraits/great_sand_dunes/markup.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Load packages and `add_main_annotations` function
for (f in list.files("R/utils")) {
source(paste0("R/utils/", f, collapse = ""))

# Load `header` list with needed data
header <- readRDS("R/portraits/great_sand_dunes/header.rds")

# Take original graphic from `render_highquality` and
# add annotations.

add_main_annotations(map = header$map, pal = header$pal,
text_color = header$colors[1],
align = "center",
base_coords = c(.725, .1),
offset = 650,
main_text = "Capitol Reef",
main_size = 400,
main_font = "Tapestry",
secondary_text = "National Park",
secondary_size = 200,
secondary_font = "Tapestry",
caption_size = 80,
caption_font = "Tapestry",
caption_coords = c(.5, .97),
caption_align = "center",
twitter_icon_coords = c(-500, 100),
twitter_icon_size = 60,
data_source = "USGS and AWS Terrain Tiles",
original = header$outfile,
crop = NULL,
#crop_gravity = "north",
crop_start = NULL,
svg_file = NULL,
svg_coords = NULL,
svg_size = NULL,
inset = glue("images/{header$map}/{header$pal}_inset.png"),
inset_coords = c(.725, .3),
inset_size = 1000)

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