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Request Tracker (Ticketing System Instructions)

cedricx edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 1 revision

How to submit an issue or request for action:

==Basic Facts==

'''Request Tracker (RT)''' is an open source software package created by [ Best Practical Solutions, LLC]. BBL staff use RT to track all support, development, data analysis and other activities across the lab requestors and projects.


'''Email:''' Lab Staff can interact with the ticketing system with nothing but emails if they like. All correspondence from lab staff are recorded automatically in the ticket. In this mode RT is nearly invisible and project requestors simply send and respond to emails for all communication about their projects.

:To open a new ticket, send an email to '''Queuename - AT -'''. In about a minute RT responds automatically. BBL staff will respond to your request, which will send you an email. The Queuename you chose should depend on the ticket topic. Queuenames are listed below. Members in the corresponding group WILL receive an email with the request by default.

:Or you can use the Web GUI (after meeting with an admin and obtaining permissions):

'''Server address:''' (Accept the insecure certificate if it asks) '''Login:''' pennkey '''Password:''' Default Lab password with First Name (Change this ASAP)



Every ticket lives in a queue. Queue access to view, take, resolve tickets are controlled by Groups. RT Admins will add you to the appropriate group. BBL staff work the tickets in specific queues based on their areas of expertise. Note: If you do not receive an Auto Reply email that your ticket was created within 5 minutes, please email bbl IT staff directly (macy,chadtj)

253 	business_grp 	Business Group (Not yet setup or managed by anyone)
26 	clinical_grp 	Clinical Tickets (Managed by Amy)
102 	cnb_group 	CNB Tickets (Managed by Chad/Allie)
252 	data_grp 	Data Request Group (Managed by Kosha)
215 	imaging_grp 	Imaging Group (Managed by Kosha)
95 	it_admin_grp 	IT System Administration (Managed by Larry)
101 	oracle_grp 	Oracle Tickets (Managed by Lan)
100 	redcap_grp 	REDCap Tickets (Managed by Scott)
533     outages_grp     Outage Tickets (Managed by Computer Group)
432 	student_grp 	Student Tickets (Not yet setup or managed by anyone)
423 	grant_grp 	Grant Tickets (Not yet setup or managed by anyone)
        cnbservice_grp  CNB Service Center Tickets (Chad,Allie,Kosha,Jeff,Tyler)
        mri_grp         MRI Acquisition Tickets (Chad,Kosha,Jeff,Karthik,Mark E.)

Submit a request to the general queue to be added into a Group to see one of the above queues if you login to the interface and cannot see one you think you should see.



  • Queue Admins (generally managers) can assign tickets to specific users for completion. They can also set due dates and reminders.


  • If a ticket falls under your job description and you have permissions set you can "take" it. Either login to the website, click the queue, open the ticket, click Basics and set the Owner as you and the status as open '''OR''' reply to the Queuename-take -AT- email address and the ticket is now assigned to you and visible in your dashboard. You must keep the Original Subject Line.


  • When you complete a request you can resolve it if you have permissions. Either login to the website, click the queue, open the ticket, click reply, change the status to resolved, write a message to the requestor or a comment as to how the ticket was resolved, then click update '''OR''' reply to the Queuename-resolve -AT- email address and the ticket is now resolved. You must keep the Original Subject Line.


  • If a ticket is spam or a duplicate you MAY have permissions to delete it. Login to the website, click the queue, open the ticket, click Basics and set the status as Deleted. You cannot delete tickets via email.


  • If you think you should see every ticket submitted into a particular queue you can be a watcher. See an RT Admin for access to this feature.


  • An option of the top bar, you can search for any ticket in a queue you have access to. This functions well for change management.