go-shippable is a Go client library for accessing the Shippable API.
go-shippable requires Go version 1.1 or greater.
import "github.com/PeoplePerHour/go-shippable"
Create a new Shippable API client by passing an authentication token (you can create a token from your Shippable account settings if you are on a subscription plan)
token := "mytoken"
client := shippable.NewClient(token)
projects, _, err := client.Projects.GetProjects()
For complete usage of go-shippable, see the full package docs.
This library is being initially developed for a DevOps CI/CD internal application at PeoplePerHour and SuperTasker
Contributions are more than welcomed. PRs bundled with tests will get merged ASAP.
Note: We are looking for someone to maintain the project, as we no longer actively using it. Ping us at devops at peopleperhour.com
This library is distributed under the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file.