Whole bunch of: Kisekae Character Export Codes from many different peoples including me!
##WARNING! THIS GIT IS RADIOACTIVE! USE WITH PRECAUTION! The file you are about to see may contains nuts, milk, grain, etc. If you are allergentic with such of those things please refrain from using this git. Enforcing so may cause brain damage which is 25x much worse than a car accident and other shock concussion incidents. Also if you have history of abusal of these allergens, DO NOT abuse this git too!!! This git also eats your brain like a zombie if you don't careful. If you are uncertain about these warnings, please ask our waiters around. They will ready to serve you
##What's this?
This is the git that talks about easy listing for usability, known as library. This is a git that helps you find your favourite character for use in Kisekae and other Open source 3D or 4D or 5D or whatever D
CGI thingy that supports it or you made to support it whatever way you do. We have counting list of characters starting by DeviantArt to the far far away beyond proxy (really ? ).
YEs, you dude, that using Kisekae. And you make something about it. COmics, striplines, posters, etc. that make people fans of it, even somekind of experiments.
There will be updates to the app. so stay tuned! and be creative.
##How to use You simply open up the other file than this. Just go to the ../ENTER DOOR/BEGIN/LISTS.md
Once you are in there, find your favourite characters by looking one and scroll down until you got it. yeah!
Once you found it use that code bellow the character image to import it to your application. Now the story is up to you.
##I don't see my character Don't worry if you don't see one. simply issue it here and we will find one until we got it. It might takes some time, because we do need to find the source, ask the source and permission, etc. etc. Then we need to build the character picture, fill in and give a nice metadata, tidy it up and done! But you can initiatively fork, edit, pull request it which is Duper Awesome. We will merge it if your change is apropriate.
##I want to contribute! THank you so much! you can contribute because of course, it's a core of my company!
Simple, just start by making your character you have such as imaginary friend long time ago before you ever deleted it accidentally (you know that girl, TestDisk should come there.).
Then, once you've made it, post it anywhere I can see: DeviantArt, email me, PM me, or create issue (needs GitHub account!). Remember, your character must fits the rule and apropriate.
Momment later, I will update the library and it's there. Oh remember as I said, takes some time! :D
##What about Pull-Merge? That's even better! I recomend you to contribute only this way. That way, is the easiest we can do.
Just make sure you have an account of this GitHub, and logged in very well. Don't have one? take some time spare to register it. FREE! (Literally, but basically free, please be understand, you're not gonna to post a big file right?)
Once you've done that, let's click the "FORK" button right there. Click it, and you've just copied whole this git to your version. Don't too much, respect owners! Here you can do anything to get it merged in my original git.
{Adding the picture, please read the next headline first for adding the picture.}
Now, in that the forked git, take the template I supplied bellow there by copying it on that code box. Remember only take it from there otherwise it won't gonna works. Here you have it on your clipboard.
Once you put it, now open up the file, ../ENTER DOOR/BEGIN/LISTS.md
Click it, you'll be in there, the list. Click edit and add something on very bottom of the page with the template you handed it before (the template you've just copied it and put on clipboard).
Now you have the single or multi character. fill the image link, metadatas, and more. The Copyright and License and Creator field is important to identify who made the character.
once you've done that, scroll down outside the editor field. here, you'll see the Commit changes area. Fill the title short, apropriate, and relevant. don't forget the description if necessary. tick the dot to Commit it directly to master branch. Click Commit change.
Now, go back your forked git there again, then up there, there's a Pull requests tab. Click on it.
Create pull request by pressing that green button there! Follow GitHub instruction to use this.
After that, we will see and moderate your changes. If it is apropriate, we merge it. DONE!!!
##About license file in this folder The license file here only applies to my original characters and others who wanted to licensed it same as mine or similar concept about. It also license this list as. Even though the license will be told every single character so we will able to know well the treatment procedure if necessary.
##Rules (Creative and Constructive criticisms are apreciated)
- Use it wisely only for entertainment purpose
- Respect user guidelines here
- Respect creators: hard works, copyright, license, etc.
- Respect GitHub rules (duh!)
- Also respect DeviantArt rules and other related site rules
- NO PROPRIETARISM we hate slavery. So your characters must OPEN SOURCE in mean freedom of use and dress up according to the necessary events and/or dress code defined by nearby event being organized well.
- NO EVIL USE such as to underestimate, bullying, etc etc.
- NO CRINGES (if it looks abusive) Not all people like it.
- NO RACISM (if your meant of creation looks like that, it is) What's the point being that?
- Clear and understandable purpose of project. You have well known the reason of creation either specific or non-specific.
- Quality. High quality build is recomended, if it is random, make sure it ended up high quality based on the survey.
- MUST HAS EXPORT CODE How do we want to use it when it has no? remember, OPEN SOURCE!
- DO NOT INCREASE RADIOACTIVE LEVEL in front of public The product must be packed in safe ammount of radioactive level the user could handle. at the moment later, the level will be increased later not in here. However keep in mind you should respect the site rule and creator's restrictions where you ended up posting it to. It should be all age safe and fits the rule here and creator's defined rule. If you do only for private research, feel free but we won't responsible for the damage caused. Remember this server is not radioactive warehouse (Then where safely you put it? it costs much to do that.). We only have this found and nowhere else which higher quality than this.
- Wisely control your emotions I know, I am too (on some area of). but please respect children and other restricted ones. If you can't handle yourself, you would be banned from the emotion you hate to lose.
- NO FLAG ABUSE Please, understand we do this to ease users and not to abuse any entity ever. We create this listing to help people easily adopt and use their favourite characters as long as they respect everybody here. We will be cursed all the time if the moderator misunderstand us and ended up like those video service which contains broken entities.
- License which you like And make sure we have freedom to use it, dress it, mod it (if needed), learn it, study it, adopt it (if may be), cosplay it, improve it (Of course!!!), and good etc.
##Template Code:
### Character Brand

- Name : _name_
- Birthdate: Jakarta, DD _Month_ YYYY
- Gender: _Real Gender_ or _What the F_
- Height: _Float_ or _Integer_ cm
- Weight: _Float_ or _Integer_ Kg
- Hair: _Color_ (FFFFFF or whatever format you'd like)
- Eyes: _Color_ (FFFFFF or whatever format you'd like)
- Blood Type: O-
- Creator: _Created by_
- Source: [Link here](http://www.example.com "Example source")
- Description: _Put description here_
- _Another variables_: _anwflnsbrgsfuoalnerfjklajsd;fjaberwfbuegobadsuotgf_
- Copyright: _First year-Nowadays year_ (if needed) Company name inc., All Rights Reserved
- License: __*License here in Bold*__
- Name : name
- Birthdate: Jakarta, DD Month YYYY
- Gender: Real Gender or What the F
- Height: Float or Integer cm
- Weight: Float or Integer Kg
- Hair: Color (FFFFFF or whatever format you'd like)
- Eyes: Color (FFFFFF or whatever format you'd like)
- Blood Type: O-
- Creator: Created by
- Source: Link here
- Description: Put description here
- Another variables: anwflnsbrgsfuoalnerfjklajsd;fjaberwfbuegobadsuotgf
- Copyright: First year-Nowadays year (if needed) Company name inc., All Rights Reserved
- License: License here in Bold
##Kisekae Applications and other apps that uses the system like this
- The latest Kisekae (NSFW D18!!!)
- The latest Kisekae (SFW ALL AGES)
- Please add more. Libs, Apps, or what that uses it.
##Credits and contributions
- GitHub - supplies this server of version control. Who don't use GitHub in programming?
- DeviantArt - supplies the server for placing the art.
- Pixiv - this also, in case the contributor(s) also uses it to post their pose.
- Kakifly and friends- Speaking about K-On, this is the default setting.
- Sakurako Kimino and friends - Speaking about Love Live!, this is also another default setting.
- Pochi guy - creator (maybe) and hoster of Kisekae apps. WHy not use HTML5 instead?
- Crypton Future Media - The one who create voicebank consists of: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin + Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka.
- Yamaha Corporation - All things music and automotive.
- Google inc. - All things technologic, Search engine, Operating System, Robotics, etc etc.
- Ubuntu guys - Oh too many to reffer, Supplies this Duper Awesome Linux Distro to eliminate my slavery clause.
- Linus Torvalds - Creator of Linux, the only UNIX that well known by every kind and generous people like me.
- Microsoft Corporation - Here, and shut up. Satisfied?!; Started by the one of the richest guy in the world that makes common Operating System and other technology stuffs which is not bad if you are not doing serious technical stuffs. Also one of their division supplies human mascot which ends in 'tan', 'chan', or whatever it is.
- Debian guy - even though he died idiotly, this guy supplies the greatest distro before being re-modded by Ubuntu guys.
- Apple inc. -
Alright, you enforced me but I hate to credit it actually!oh s, Apple angries to me! Sorry dude!; makes the most unfair price thingy people will stupid of to buy it right now and hey this is the best than the other (the brain excitement lobe activates there only if they used an expensive things so it makes illusionally feels that the product is "exciting" and "Duper Awesome" while actually it sucks). We may found our contributor(s) port the Apple related mascots. - You all, guys - Contributing something, written this in case you did not written but we'll soon write your name as possible.
##[Coming soon] Ok this was under construction. We are working on to build the listing in this area. stay tuned.