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Ready Room

Person8880 edited this page Apr 4, 2015 · 3 revisions


The ready room plugin provides a way to force players onto a team after a certain amount of time spent inside. It can also disable the spectator mode.


The default config looks something like this:

    "TrackReadyRoomPlayers": true,
    "MaxIdleTime": 120,
    "TimeToBlockF4": 120,
    "DisableSpectate": false,
    "TrackOnRoundStart": true,
    "NotifyOnTeamForce": true,

The file should be called "ReadyRoom.json" and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Option Description
TrackReadyRoomPlayers Sets whether the plugin tracks the time players spend in the ready room.
MaxIdleTime Sets the time in seconds to allow players to sit in the ready room. After this time is up, they are forced onto a random team (the team with the least players).
TimeToBlockF4 Sets the time in seconds to block a player going back to the ready room after being forced onto a team by this plugin.
DisableSpectate Sets whether to disable the spectator mode. If true, walking into the spectate door or trying to use the console will display a message to the player telling them it is disabled. If they are trying to join from the ready room, it will place them on a random team.
TrackOnRoundStart Sets whether to only track ready room players when a round has started.
NotifyOnTeamForce Sets whether to tell players when they've been moved onto a random team for being idle too long.


If you wish to make a group immune to this plugin's effects, give them access to sh_idleimmune.

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