- Log in with an official Deezer account ;
- Explore the official Deezer catalog ;
- Play any track and skip freely ;
- Like, save and add your favorite tracks to your own playlists ;
- Sing along to the songs you love with synchronized lyrics ;
- Download tracks, playlists and albums for offline listening ;
- Challenge yourself with playlist-based blind tests ;
- Export downloaded tracks to local storage ;
- Import your playlists from Spotify ;
- Customize themes, accent colors and more.
This app builds upon ReFreezer by leveraging Deezer's public and internal APIs.
For more details, see the Legal section.
This project originates from ReFreezer by @DJDoubleD.
- Built upon ReFreezer by @DJDoubleD.
- Design inspired by Mallari Kishor's Spotify Redesign.
- Find another source for lyrics
- Redesign the Home page
- Lyrics are not available
- Some home tiles are not and will not be implemented (Concerts, Did you know, Original videos, ...)
- Tell me !
Alchemy was not developed for piracy, but educational and private use. You are responsible for how you use Alchemy.
Alchemy uses both Deezer's public and internal API's, but is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Deezer.
The Deezer brand and name is the registered trademark of its respective owner.
Alchemy has no partnership, sponsorship or endorsement with Deezer.
By using Alchemy you do not abide by Deezer's Terms of Service