Just a very simple Tab Plugin for Vue. Basically no styling. Just pure utility.
First you have to install the package:
npm install simple-tabs-vue
You can define the components globaly as follows:
import { SimpleTabsPlugin } from 'simple-tabs-vue';
// import "simple-tabs-vue/styles.css"; // for testing
const app = createApp(App);
There is styling but it is really just meant for testing purposes. Just implement your own cool styling.
<SimpleTabSwitch groupName="TabGroup" defaultTab="Tab2" />
<SimpleTab tabGroup="TabGroup" tabName="Tab1">Tab1</SimpleTab>
<SimpleTab tabGroup="TabGroup" tabName="Tab2">Tab2</SimpleTab>
It is up to you where to place those components. There is no defined order you have to follow.
displays the buttons to switch between tabs. Optionaly defaultTab can be provided with the tab to open as default. Each SimpleTab
element needs a tabGroup to which it is grouped. The tabName is the identifier of the tab.
SimpleTabSwitch can emit the events beforeSwitchTab and afterSwitchTab which return the previous and subsequent tab. There is also the possibility to provide the callback onBeforeSwitch that is called before the switch actually happening. When returning false the switch event will abort.
You can also call to switch the tab in code. Just use the tab store and call the switchTab method.
import { useSimpleTabsStore } from './composable/tabStore';
const tabsStore = useSimpleTabsStore();
function switchToTab2(){
tabsStore.switchTab('TabGroup', 'Tab2');
The tab Store also provides a filter:
// opens all tabs where the tab Name starts with 'Book'
tabsStore.filterTabs('TabGroup', 'Book', FilterOption.StartsWith);
- Start with provided string.FilterOption.EndWith
- Ends with provided string.FilterOption.Contains
- Contains provided string.FilterOption.Regex
- Filter with provided regex string.
You can also provide multiple tab names to a tab:
<SimpleTab tab-group="TabGroup" :tab-name="['Tab1', 'Tab2']">
Open On 'Tab1' and 'Tab2' but not on any other Tab.
This is very usefull when you want a tab to be shown when 'Tab1' or 'Tab2' are open but not for example 'Tab3'.
- simpleT-tabSwitcher -> container for tab selection
- simpleT-tabSwitchBtn -> Tab Selection Button
- simpleT-tabOpened -> added class to tab Button when tab is open
- simpleT-tabClosed -> added class to tab Button when tab is closed
- simpleT-tab -> tab class
You can provide custom css classes for specific elements:
<!-- This Elements have custom css classes added -->
<SimpleTabSwitch :customBtnOpenClasses="['myBtnOpen']" :customBtnClasses="['myBtn']" :containerClasses="['mySwitchContainer']" groupName="TabGroup" defaultTab="Tab2" />
<SimpleTab tab-group="TabGroup" :tab-name="['Tab1']" :classes=['myTab']">