X-Space is an aerospace simulator based on X-Plane flight simulator. It is available as a plugin, and as a dedicated server (for calculating spaceflight).
This project is no longer active. All the source code is re-licensed under BSD license and provided for anybody who wants additional references when writing X-Plane plugins.
The project is superceded by EVDS (External Vessel Dynamics Simulator) and FoxWorks Aerospace Simulator for X-Plane.
- Provides information about partial concentrations and densities of atmospheric gases
- Clouds visible from orbit (procedural clouds based on realtime weather)
- Different visual effects based on fuel used in the rocket engine
- Detailed engine performance simulation (variation in thrust with external pressure)
- Support for multiple stages/multi-part vessels
- Visual effects from heating (glow due to heat radiation)
- Earth gravitational field simulation (non-spherical gravity based on EGM96 model)
- Support for extra fuel tanks (or additional weights)
- Orbital flight simulation (uses custom physics engine to override X-Plane physics at high altitudes)
- Detailed atmospheric model (including exosphere, high-altitude atmospheric drag)
- Atmospheric scattering visible from orbit (for X-Plane 9, X-Plane 10 without HDR)
- Support for any amount of custom engines (reaction control engines, additional rocket engines)
- Advanced networking support (multiplayer)
- Fuselage drag simulation (drag from capsules, hypersonic vessels)
- Heating simulation (covers a wide range of external pressures and velocities)
- Earth magnetic field simulation (fairly precise magnetic field data from WMM)
- Material simulation (simulates properties of various materials the spacecraft is constructed from)
- Extra camera views (relative to vessel reference point, vessel center of mass)
- Vertical launch pads
- Simulates planet rotation
- Publishes a large amount of variables (datarefs) accessible by other plugins
Please remove the old version of X-Space if it's present.
Just copy contents of folders in this archive into corresponding folders in X-Plane 9 (or X-Plane 10) folder. The folders must be merged together (not replaced!).
To uninstall it just delete the following folders:
- \X-Plane 9\Resources\plugins\x-space
- \X-Plane 9\Aircraft\XSAG
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 projects included
- Linux makefiles included
- MacOS makefiles included
All dependencies are available in zip files under dependencies folder (for each supported OS).
- X-Space (C) 2009-2012 by Black Phoenix
- XGDC OS (C) 2008-2012 by Black Phoenix
- Simple OGL Image Library by Jonathan Dummer
- Scriptable Avionics Simulation Library by A.A.Babichev
- Lua 5.1.4 (C) 1994-2011 PUC-Rio
- WMM model implementation by Manoj C Nair and Adam Woods
- NRLMSISE-00 model implementation by Dominik Brodowski
- RV-550 Ares-1 with Orion capsule model by Curt Boyll
- SV-200 UHLSS model by Jeff Scott