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First release

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@g105b g105b released this 06 Feb 10:01
· 44 commits to master since this release

The PHP.Gt Installer is a script intended to be installed globally using composer global require phpgt/installer. It makes the gt command available to your command line, in order to perform simple tasks like creating a new PHP.Gt WebEngine application.

In the v1 release, there are only two pieces of functionality:

  1. To call composer create-project to create new WebEngine applications from Blueprints.
  2. To pass through the gt-* commands available within WebEngine applications.

In total, the functionality at v1 is as follows:

$ gt
PHP.Gt Installer

Available commands:
 • create       Create a new WebEngine application
 • serve        Run a local HTTP server
 • build        Build the client-side files
 • run          Start a local server, cron and build runner
 • help         Display information about available commands