This is a iOS framework for parsing/generating KML files. This Framework parses the KML from a URL or Strings and create Objective-C Instances of KML structure.
This fork is the "iOS-KML-Framework" pod's source repo.
iOS-KML-Framework is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '5.1'
pod 'iOS-GPX-Framework', "~> 0.0"
#import "KML.h"
// Parsing the KML
KMLRoot *root = [KMLParser parseKMLWithString:kml];
// Generating the KML
KMLRoot *root = [KMLRoot new];
KMLDocument *doc = [KMLDocument new];
root.feature = doc;
KMLPlacemark *placemark = [KMLPlacemark new]; = @"Simple placemark";
placemark.descriptionValue = @"Attached to the ground.";
[doc addFeature:placemark];
KMLPoint *point = [KMLPoint new];
placemark.geometry = point;
KMLCoordinate *coordinate = [KMLCoordinate new];
coordinate.latitude = 37.422f;
coordinate.longitude = -122.082f;
point.coordinate = coordinate;
- iOS 6.0 or later
Watanabe Toshinori, [email protected]
iOS-KML-Framework is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
it uses TBXML Copyright (c) 2009 Tom Bradley