The analytics module provides a standard way to implement site analytics and event tracking (to be implemented).
Provides the hook_admin_analytics_widget
and the hook_admin_analytics_widgets_alter
Using these hooks other modules can provide their own statistics and analytics widgets to display on the admin analytics page.
Implements the hook_permission
hook to add the ""
permission to the system and hook_admin_page
hooks to add the analytics dashboard page to the admin UI.
Return value is an array of objects in the following format for each widget object:
: identifier, optional. It can be used to find and remove or modify the widget using the alter hook.
: HTML string, the content of the admin widget
: number, optional: the order of the widget on the admin page
: string, optional: the permission needed to view the widget. Default value: ""
: path to access callback function, optional. Used for complex permission handling. For more details see the can_do helper in the permission module
{% comment %} Users widget {% endcomment %}
{% graphql users %}
query TotalUsers {
users(per_page: 1) {
{% endgraphql %}
{% capture users_content %}
<div class="flex flex-col justify-between h-full">
<div class="uppercase">Registered users</div>
<div class="font-bold">{{users.users.total_entries | json}}</div>
<div class="flex justify-end">
{% theme_render_rc 'components/atoms/button', weight: 'secondary', href: '/admin/users', content: 'View' %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture users_widget %}
{% theme_render_rc 'components/atoms/card', content: users_content, classes: 'w-full sm:w-1/4' %}
{% endcapture %}
{% liquid
assign widget = null | hash_merge: content: users_widget, id: 'users_widget', weight: 2, permission: 'users.view.all'
assign result = '[]' | parse_json | add_to_array: widget
return result
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