Cordova plugin for Firebase Dynamic Links
Your help is appreciated. Create a PR, submit a bug or just grab me 🍺 |
- iOS
- Android
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase-dynamiclinks --save --variable APP_DOMAIN="" --variable PAGE_LINK_DOMAIN=""
Use variable APP_DOMAIN
specify web URL where your app will start an activity to handle the link.
specify your *
to override dependency version on Android.
to override dependency version on iOS.
On Android you have to add AndroidLaunchMode
setting in order to prevent creating of multiple app activities:
<preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTask" />
Firebase Dynamic Links SDK has an unresolved bug related to parsing deepLink
for new app installs. In order to get it work your dynamic link MUST have an app preview page, which by default.
Registers callback that is triggered on each dynamic link click.
cordova.plugins.firebase.dynamiclinks.onDynamicLink(function(data) {
console.log("Dynamic link click with data:", data);
Every create*
method accepts dynamicLinkInfo
object as the first argument. Read section below to understand all supported dynamic link parameters.
Creates a Dynamic Link from the parameters. Returns a promise fulfilled with the new dynamic link url.
link: ""
}).then(function(url) {
console.log("Dynamic link was created:", url);
Creates a shortened Dynamic Link from the parameters. Shorten the path to a string that is only as long as needed to be unique, with a minimum length of 4 characters. Use this method if sensitive information would not be exposed if a short Dynamic Link URL were guessed.
link: ""
}).then(function(url) {
console.log("Dynamic link was created:", url);
Creates a Dynamic Link from the parameters. Shorten the path to an unguessable string. Such strings are created by base62-encoding randomly generated 96-bit numbers, and consist of 17 alphanumeric characters. Use unguessable strings to prevent your Dynamic Links from being crawled, which can potentially expose sensitive information.
link: ""
}).then(function(url) {
console.log("Dynamic link was created:", url);
Any create method supports all options below to customize a returned dynamic link. Parameter names has the same meaning as in the Firebase Dynamic Links Short Links API Reference:
"domainUriPrefix": string,
"link": string,
"androidInfo": {
"androidPackageName": string,
"androidFallbackLink": string,
"androidMinPackageVersionCode": number
"iosInfo": {
"iosBundleId": string,
"iosFallbackLink": string,
"iosIpadFallbackLink": string,
"iosIpadBundleId": string,
"iosAppStoreId": string
"navigationInfo": {
"enableForcedRedirect": boolean,
"analyticsInfo": {
"googlePlayAnalytics": {
"utmSource": string,
"utmMedium": string,
"utmCampaign": string,
"utmTerm": string,
"utmContent": string
"itunesConnectAnalytics": {
"at": string,
"ct": string,
"pt": string
"socialMetaTagInfo": {
"socialTitle": string,
"socialDescription": string,
"socialImageLink": string