Various math "games" and stuff I made in various languages.
Not really sure what the name of this one is, it's played as follows:
- Player 1 picks two numbers within a range (Hereafter referred to as A and B)
- Player 1 reveals A to Player 2
- Player 2 must guess whether A is bigger or smaller than B
- Player 1 reveals B, and it is revealed whether Player 2 was correct
This one is a game based off the Monty Hall problem, and is played as follows:
- Player 1 has three doors, behind one of which is a prize, the other two, nothing (or goats)
- Player 2 may pick any door of the set
- Player 1 will reveal one of the two doors that has not been picked, that contains a goat
- Player 2 may switch their door from the picked door, to the door that was not opened
- Player 1 reveals the selected door and whether or not Player 2 made the correct choices
A simple guessing game, binary count being the fastest way to win. It is played as follows:
- Player 1 picks a number within a range (Hereafter reffered to as A)
- Player 2 guesses A, if correct end the game here.
- If incorrect, Player 1 states whether it's higher or lower than A
- Players repeat steps 2 and 3 until game end.